Aladdin Rubbing The Lamp

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The retro electro game itself is set on a background of black and purple and the lines and panels are painted are also in purple. And this definitely fits the bill. At the end of each line, you will see a ‘PRIZE’ tab which will let you know how much your win amount total is. Last but not least, the Miami Vice-style 80s soundtrack adds a bit of atmosphere to your gaming, tooWe love a slot that is not a slot every now and then ( is another favourite of ours). How to download free games. Sleek and stylish, the graphics are top notch and we especially like the way the symbols come alive during play, there are even droplets of water falling off the seriously fruity icons!

The aladdin lamp company

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'Don't make me use the other end!'

To masturbate, especially applicable to males. Get a rub the magic lamp mug for your boyfriend Vivek. Will Smith and his 'Aladdin' co-stars Mena Massoud and Naomi Scott played a game with the audience called 'Rub My Lamp,' giving some lucky fans huge prizes! #Aladdin #WillSmith #TheEllenShow.

Aladdin And The Magic Lamp

  • After the 'There's A Party Here In Agrabah' number ends, Genie still can't stop dancing and partying and shaking his booty for about half a minute, with the crowd staring at him.
    Genie: The party's goin' on now! Gotta party! Gotta party! Help me! I can't stop myself! Somebody rub the lamp! Somebody rub the lamp! Ah, you know I feel it! [sees the crowd staring at him]..Ah..that's enough.
  • When Cassim introduces himself as the King of Thieves, Genie's Code Red scene is hilariously over-the-top throughout, but theFunny Moment is at the end of the scene, when dozens of Genie clones have surrounded Cassim and are all pointing guns at him:
    Genie: Do not attempt to move, or we'll be shooting ourselves!
    • This masterful Brick Joke:
      Genie:[to Aladdin after he mentions his father] Your father? You never said a word about your father! OH, I HAVE TO LET THE CATERER KNOW! [turns into a waiter] Chicken or sea bass?
      [After Aladdin tells him that Cassim is his father]
      Genie: If you're Al's dad.. and the King of Thieves, I just wanna know one thing..
      Cassim:[menacingly] Yeah!?
      Genie:[turns into a waiter]Will you be having the chicken or the sea bass?
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    • During the Code Red, Aladdin rubs his temple while his face shows an expression of utter chagrin and boredom. Clearly at some point he's learned to 'just go with it' when Genie goes off on one of these extended bouts of randomness. Iago's feeling the same way, in contrast to Cassim, who's staring on in confusion.
    • The Genies jumping out of the plane.
  • Genie's bit where he tries to cheer up Jasmine. All of it. It starts off with a Mrs. Doubtfire shout-out, and goes on from there. Also doubles as a Heartwarming Moment. Even better? This scene was improvised by Robin Williams, in much the same way he improvised much of Genie's dialogue in the first film.
    Genie:[as Chico Marx] Hey, that's-a no good! What this wedding needs is a theme!
    Genie:[as Groucho Marx] Needs a groom too, but let's work with what we have!
    Genie: It's a joke! [deadpan] I do that.
  • When the 40 thieves are leaving the pavilion, the walls around Genie crash.
    Genie: Ooh! [looks around nervously] This is not my fault! [while everything else collapses behind him] This was not built to code!
    Iago: [to the Sultan]Good luck gettin' back the catering deposit.
    • Then when Genie offers to help rebuild the pavilion:
    [Jasmine and Sultan look at the wreckage]
    Sultan: Oh, my..
    Genie: Fear not, O Father of the Bride, we can rebuild! [turns into a construction worker with a muscular chest, which then 'falls' and becomes a flabby belly instead]
    Sultan: Oh, please, do! We can't have a wedding without a pavilion!
    Genie: [writing on a clipboard] Alright, a wedding pavilion it is, my man! [turns Iago, Abu and Carpet into construction workers. Iago is eating a donut, Abu is drinking coffee, and Carpet reading a newspaper.] Hey, I wanna see some resumés on these guys. And don't let the one with the beak near any power tools. [drill sounds]
    Sultan: Yes, yes, Genie. Whatever it takes. I am sorry about all this, Jasmine. (Jasmine's gone) Daughter?
  • You know what? Any scene with Genie is going to have a funny moment. Robin Williams really steals the show in this movie! Behold: this and this!
  • This exchange after Aladdin returns to Agrabah with Cassim.
    Aladdin: Looks like Genie has everything ready.
    Cassim: “Genie”? You have a genie? Have you used all three wishes yet?!
    Iago: Oh please, don’t go into it. It’s just too painful..
  • 'You have violated the perimeter of the Aladdin and Jasmine Wedding. Prepare to be vaporized. Thank you!'
  • This gem as Aladdin decides to disguise himself as the King of Thieves to break his father out, ignoring Genie's protests.
    Aladdin: The Oracle was right. My dad was trapped in the world of the Forty Thieves. Trapped by his own greed. I was so stupid to think I could change him!
    Genie: Trying to show your dad a better life wasn't stupid, Al! Leaving him alone with the parrot,thatwas stupid.
    Aladdin: Everything was perfect before he came into my life. I just want things the way they were. Genie, I need my father's clothes.
    Genie: A-A-Al, what, did you wrap the turban too tight? Come on, why would you wanna dress in the 'King of Thieves' ensemble? (poofs up Cassim's blue cloak; Aladdin takes it) Might I suggest something that doesn't actually say (wearing black and white prisoner uniform) 'ARREST ME!'
    Aladdin: (wearing Cassim's outfit) It fits. Good.
    Genie: (as Oracle) I'm seeing.. I'm seeing.. NOTHING for your future if you dress like this!
    Aladdin: I'm breaking my father out of the dungeon. The guards'll never know I was there. Tonight, the King of Thieves will make his most miraculous escape ever.. out of my life. (leaves)
    Genie: ..It's the cape talking, isn't it?
  • Iago and Abu's usual interactions.
    Iago: Uh, for future reference, I'm as innocent as the day I was hatched!
  • Genie trying to throw a bachelor party for Aladdin.
    Aladdin: There's still one thing I need.
    Genie: I gotcha! [turns into a stripper popping out of a cake] It's a BACHELOR PARTY, big boy! [snatches a mug of what's clearly supposed to be beer out of the Carpet's tassel] None for you! You're the designated flyer!
  • Genie Trying Not to Cry at the wedding… and failing miserably.
    Genie: It’s all… so magical. I’m not gonna cry, I’m not… (promptly bursts into tears, then uses Carpet as a tissue. He quickly realizes what he’s doing, and pulls away) Ooh. Sorry.
    • This then leads to a Brick Joke at the end; When Aladdin and Jasmine finally get hitched after everything they’ve gone through, Genie is of course tearing up again. He reaches and grabs Carpet, and right before he blows his nose again on him, Carpet grabs a handkerchief and holds it out to Genie.
  • How utterly reluctant Iago is to be a part of embarking on Aladdin's adventure
    Iago: I should've stayed with the Genie! Manual labor beats danger any day!
    • Iago pointing out that Aladdin's plan to follow the thieves isn't very well thought out:
    Iago:We?! They are forty thieves! We are you, a rug, a monkey, and me! Wait, don't count me.
    • Then when the gang is inside the Lair, Iago and Abu back into each other, and they roll down and fall into a puddle.
    Iago: You wanna not hold up traffic? I wanna get in, get out, and go home! Actually, I wouldn't mind skipping right to the 'go home'..
  • When the Wedding pavillion starts shaking violently during the Thieves' raid starting with Sa'Luk jabbing an elephant's butt with his knuckleduster
    Sa'Luk: Let me be the point man! (jabs the elephant in the butt)
    Genie: I thought the Earth wasn't supposed to move until the honeymoon..
    • During the chaos, Genie saves Abu from getting smashed by the elephants.
    Genie: Come here, monkey boy! You were almost Dumbo toe jam! (Another elephant walks over Carpet) Oh, they trampled the Carpet! That's.. a little redundant. So, this isn't really a bad day for you, is it?
    • Then Genie confronting the Thieves during the chaos also counts as a Moment of Awesome. First, he multiplies himself into a an army of Ninja-Genies, sending many thieves whining for their mommies.
    • Then he picks up an elephant and uses him as gun (the elephant's face is priceless).
    Genie: FREEZE, SANDBAGS! (cocks elephant's trunk like a gun) Don't make me use the other end!
    (Wind comes out of the trunk, blowing several thieves away. The elephant's trunk deflates. Genie sheepishly puts the elephant down)
    • Then Genie uses his powers against more thieves zapping them in the butt
    Genie: 'Mama always said 'magic is as magic does'.
    Sa'luk: Cassim said nothing about facing the powers of a Genie! Get the others out of here! We'll leave the King to his plans!
  • Instead of fleeing when the forty thieves break up the wedding, Iago actively defends the gifts from Cassim, wielding a vase like a bat. Greed was probably his main motive. Also counts as a Moment of Awesome.
    Iago: Meet your match, Zorro!
    Cassim: Good birdie.. Polly want a—
    Iago:[interrupting]Say 'cracker' and I'll let you have it onprinciple!
    (Iago swings three times at Cassim, who simply grabs the parrot)
    Cassim: You have a lot of spirit. (stuffs Iago into a nearby vase)
    Iago: Ow! Hey! Hey! Let me out!
    Cassim: And a lot of mouth.
    • Later while Al wrestles with Cassim over the Oracle staff, he kicks the vase with Iago in it to a wall, shattering it, leaving Iago in a very dizzy, staggering, and moaning state.
  • When the Oracle is introduced and Iago wonders why the Thieves wanted the staff, and it answers. It says she can only answer 'one' question. Iago's arguing with her when she mentions the 'ultimate treasure' is priceless!
    Jasmine: What were they after, the gifts?
    Aladdin: Not all the gifts. This is what the King of Thieves wanted. (Holds up the mysterious staff he wrestled from the King of Thieves during the chaos)
    Iago: With all the other great stuff in here, why go for this thing?
    (Suddenly, a blinding light emerges from the staff and it floats out of Al's hand. A voice rings out as a visage of a woman appears in the air)
    Oracle: Your question is mine to answer! The King of Thieves sought my sight to find the Ultimate Treasure.
    Iago: Did someone say 'treasure?'
    Aladdin: Genie?
    Genie: Hmm..Looks like an Oracle.
    Oracle: I see all that has been, and all that will be.
    Genie: Uh-oh, uh-oh, definitely an Oracle, tells the future, uh-oh. Girlfriend, where were you registered?
    Iago: Okay, you know all, so tell all. Where is the treasure? You know, the ultimate one?
    Oracle: I am bound by the rule of one. One question, one answer.
    Iago: I only want one answer! WHERE IS THE ULTIMATE TREASURE?!
    Oracle: You have already asked your question.
    Iago: You mean before? Oh, uh, that wasn't a question! That was uh..thinking out loud!
    Genie: (grabbing Iago)VERY loud!
  • Iago gets his tail feathers stuck in the Thieves' cave opening.
    Iago: How bad is it? (Iago has his tail feathers stuck in the door)
    Abu: Hmm.. (spits on paws then pulls Iago free, but leaves the parrot's tail feather still in the door)
    Iago: YEOW! (looks at his bald tail) Oh, this is attractive!
    (Iago walks back to the cave entrance, pulls his tail feather out, and puts them back on his tail.)
  • Razoul and his Guards approach the Thieves' hideout. Razoul tries to remember the password and the cave doesn't open. Just as he's about to leave in a fury, one of the guards unwittingly says the correct password.
    Fazal: But, sir, there's nothing here.
    Razoul: Not yet. Open.. Caraway!
    (Nothing happens)
    Hakim: There's still nothing here.
    Razoul: (seething with anger) When I get ahold of that no good..
    Fazal: But I thought you said it was.. 'Open Sesame.'
    (the ground suddenly rumbles as the entrance to the 40 Theives' hideout opens; Razoul smirks)
  • When Sa'Luk proclaiming regardless of the fact that Aladdin is Cassim's son he is still an intruder.
    Sa'Luk: Blood or mud, the boy is an intruder and we have rules about intruders. He has found our secret lair. He has seen too much. He must die. (turns to Abu and Iago) They must ALL die!
    Iago: DIE?! He's your son! I'm his friend! CAST A VOTE FOR MERCY HERE!
    Sa'Luk: Yes, Cassim, mercy would be so like you. Soft..and weak!
  • When Sa'luk discovers that Cassim is not in the dungeon with the other thieves.
    (Several thieves are behind bars. A peephole in a wooden door allows them to yell at their betrayer)
    Thieves: You'll pay for this! You sold us out!! (Sa'luk slams the peephole door shut) Ow! My nose!
    Sa'luk: He's not in there! (storms into the next room) You didn't capture the King of Thieves?!
    Sa'luk: He had to be there! Where else would he be?
    Guard: [entering cautiously] Apologies, Captain Razoul.
    Guard: Well, the Sultan said that he won't be able to sentence your prisoners until tomorrow.
    Razoul: What's more important than sentencing my prisoners?!
    Guard: Why, the wedding! Princess Jasmine and Aladdin are finally getting married!
    Sa'luk: (grabs the young guard by the shirt) ALADDIN?! You didn't capture Aladdin with the others?!
    Sa'luk: Because his father is the King of Thieves!
  • After Aladdin's fight with Saluk we get one of the best Bait-and-Switch moments in the franchise:
    Cassim: (As fire illuminates them and the rest of the Forty Thieves stare daggers at Aladdin) You killed Saluk.. The Code of the Forty Thieves is very clear on this point: You're in.

Aladdin Oil Lamps



Aladdin Rub The Lamp Song

Hey, look! Over there!
Their ship is so big.
Wish ours
was that fancy.
I'd be so happy
if ours was that fancy.
- 'Cause then..
- Why is that?
Because it looks better?
This boat has seen us
through many a storm.
It may not look like much,
but it has something
theirs never will.
What? Wood rot and rats?
Are the children
learning something, dear?
It is unclear.
All right,
sit, children.
I think it's time
that I told you the story..
of Aladdin, the princess,
and the lamp.
What's so special
about a lamp?
this is a magic lamp.
Maybe if you sing.
It's better
when you sing.
No, no. No singing.
It's been a long day.
Oh, imagine a land
It's a faraway place
Where the caravan
Camels roam
Where you wander among
Ev'ry culture and tongue
It's chaotic
But hey, it's home
When the wind's
From the east
And the sun's
From the west
And the sand
In the glass is right
Come on down, stop on by
Hop a carpet and fly
To another Arabian night
Hey! Psh!
As you wind
Through the streets
And the fabled bazaars
With the cardamom-cluttered
You can smell e'vry spice
While you haggle the price
Of the silks
And the satin shawls
Oh, the music that plays
As you move through a maze
In the haze
Of your pure delight
You are caught in a dance
You are lost in the trance
Of another Arabian night
Arabian nights
Like Arabian days
More often than not
Are hotter than hot
In a lot of good ways
Arabian nights
Like Arabian dreams
This mystical land
Of magic and sand
Is more than it seems
There's a road
That may lead you
To good or to greed
Through the power
Your wishing commands
Let the darkness unfold
Or find fortunes untold
Well, your destiny
Lies in your hands
Only one may enter here.
One whose worth
lies far within.
The diamond in the rough.
Arabian nights
Like Arabian days
They seem to excite
Take off and take flight
To shock and amaze
Seek thee out
the diamond in the rough.
Arabian nights
'Neath Arabian moons
A fool off his guard
Could fall and fall hard
Out there on the dunes
What's your monkey's name?
He's a lovely monkey.
That's a lovely necklace.
So, where does Abu come from?
He, uh..
I think this belongs to me.
Good day, ladies.
How'd we do, Abu?
Good monkey.
Stop right there, Aladdin.
Whatever it is you stole
today, I don't want it.
Whoa, whoa.
I didn't steal anything.
It's a family heirloom
that's worth a lot.
I'll give you a bag of dates
for it, nothing more.
Zulla, we both know it's
worth at least three bags.
Take the bag of dates
and get out!
Move it,
you street rat.
Here you go, Abu.
Come here!
Fresh fish!
We catch them, you buy them!
Try this,
please. Please.
Sugar dates and pistachios!
Are you hungry?
Here, take some bread.
Hey! Hey!
You steal from my brother.
- Stealing? No, I..
- You pay, or I take bracelet.
Sir, I don't have any money.
Let go of me!
- No.
- Whoa! Take it easy, Jamal.
Kalil walks away
from the stall..
and this one,
she steals the bread.
Those children
were hungry!
- I..
- Okay, give me a minute.
You keep your little street
rat nose out of it! Huh?
Do you have any money?
Okay, trust me.
- Here you go.
- Wait!
This is what you wanted,
Yeah. Thank you.
Okay, and an apple.
For your troubles.
- Nice!
- That was my..
I'm not leaving
without my bracelet!
You mean this bracelet?
Come on.
Thief with Aladdin!
- Are we in trouble?
- Only if you get caught.
- Aladdin!
- Down that alley.
Monkey knows the way.
- Guards! Guards!
- Abu.
- Uh..
- You'll be fine.
They stole from me!
- Over there! Aladdin!
- Hey, you!
You looking for this,
you street rat!
Gotta keep one jump
Ahead of the bread line
One swing
Ahead of the sword
I steal
Only what I can't afford
And that's ev'rything
One jump
Ahead of the lawmen
That's all
And that's no joke
These guys
Don't appreciate I'm broke
Street rat!
- Scoundrel!
- Take that!
Try a dif'rent tack, guys
- Rip him open!
- 'Round the back, guys
I can take a hint
Gotta face the facts
Could really use
A friend or two!
Oh, it's sad
Aladdin's hit the bottom
Ooh, ladies!
He's become
A one-man rise in crime
I'd blame parents
'Cept he hasn't got 'em
Gotta eat to live
Gotta steal to eat
Tell you all about it
When I got the time
There are stairs, you know.
Where's the fun in that?
One jump
Ahead of the slowpokes
One skip ahead of my doom
Next time
Gonna use a nom de plume
One jump
Ahead of the hit men
One hit ahead of the flock
I think I'll take a stroll
Around the block
- Stop, thief!
- Vandal!
Let's not be too hasty
Still, I think
He's rather tasty
Gotta eat to live
Gotta steal to eat
- Otherwise we'd get along
- Wrong!
No, no, no!
- Together on three!
- Together on three?
- We jump.
- We jump?
Why are you repeating
everything I say?
The pole.
- Move, move!
- This way!
One, two, three!
Thief! Stop!
On the roof!
I'm sorry!
I can't do this.
Stop him!
Look at me. Look at me.
You can do this.
- Oh.
- Nicely done.
Thank you.
One jump
Ahead of the hoof beats
One hop ahead of the hump
One trick
Ahead of disaster
They're quick
But I'm much faster
Here goes!
Better throw my hand in
Wish me happy landin'
All I gotta do is jump!
Move back!
Oh, dear.
Come on. I know
somewhere we'll be safe.
Here comes the master.
You bring me the rough
but never a diamond.
Take them away.
- Move!
- Take them away.
- Please!
- My vizier..
perhaps this diamond in
the rough does not exist?
He is out there.
But we've searched
for months!
I do not understand what could
possibly be in that cave..
that could help a man
as great as you.
You are already second
only to the sultan!
Second! Uh-oh!
Who's in trouble now?
And you think
second is enough?
Of course.
You were not born
to be sultan.
Not smart.
Do you know what I had to do
to get the power that I have?
The sacrifices that I've made,
the bodies that I've buried?
The five years
spent in a Shirabad jail?
People need to understand
that they will pay
for underestimating me.
Second is not enough!
And it will never be enough!
That's why I need the lamp,
and why I no longer need you!
This way.
Where are we, exactly?
You'll see.
Oh, my.
Is this..
Is this where you live?
Just me and Abu.
Come and go as we please.
Welcome to my humble..
You'll see.
You are
quite the magician.
Thank you.
Abu, no, help!
I can't believe..
I can't believe we did that.
That I did that.
That we're alive!
With the chase.
Abu, tea?
Jumping buildings.
- That was incredible.
- Tea?
Thank you. And thank you
for getting me out of there.
Aladdin, isn't it?
Uh, you're welcome..
I'm.. I'm Dalia.
From the palace.
How could you tell?
Well, only someone
from the palace
could afford a bracelet
like that.
And that silk lining
is imported, too.
It comes
from the merchant boats,
straight to the palace.
But not to servants.
At least, not most servants,
which means you are
a handmaid to the princess.
You think that's impressive,
you should see the city
from up there.
Agrabah. It's so beautiful.
I should get out more.
You should tell the
princess to get out more.
The people haven't
seen her in years.
They won't let her.
Ever since my..
The queen was killed,
the sultan's been afraid.
So she's kept locked away.
Seems everyone's
been afraid since then.
But the people of Agrabah
had nothing to do with that.
The people loved her.
They did, didn't they?
Is this yours?
It's kind of borrowed.
My mother taught me
that song.
Mine too.
It's all I remember of her.
And what about your father?
I lost them both
when I was young.
Been on my own ever since.
It's all right, it's just..
It's a little sad.
Having a monkey
as the only parental
authority in your life.
We get by.
Every day I just think
things will be different..
but it never
seems to change.
It's just sometimes,
I feel like I'm..
Like you can't escape
what you were born into?
Welcome Prince Anders!
I have to get back
to the palace.
Uh.. Now?
Make way
for Prince Anders!
Make way for Prince Anders!
It's just another prince
coming to court the princess.
Yes, and I have
to get her ready.
Oh! Do you have my bracelet?
Make way
for Prince Anders.
I'm sure I put it in here.
Abu, did you take it?
That was
my mother's bracelet.
Yes. It's beautiful.
You are a thief.
- No, no. Yes, but..
- I'm so naive.
- Abu.
- Excuse me.
Wait, wait, wait!
Wait, it's not like that!
Clear the way!
No! Watch it!
Street rat,
get out of the way!
Who do you think
you're calling a street rat?
Are you talking back to me?
You were born worthless
and you will die worthless.
And only your fleas
will mourn you.
Come on, Abu.
Let's go home.
Riffraff, street rat
I don't buy that
If only they'd look closer
Would they see a poor boy?
No, siree
They'd find out
There's so much more to me
There's a time
that we do steal,
and a time we don't.
This was definitely a don't.
Welcome, Prince Anders!
We trust you had
an enjoyable journey.
Oh, wow.
Prince Anders, my daughter,
Princess Jasmine.
So, why did no one tell me
of your beauty?
No one mentioned yours,
Oh! Thank you.
They say that in Skanland.
Yeah. Right?
It's very, very amusing.
- Is it?
- Yeah.
We have the same title,
yet are never
described the same way.
What is that?
Don't tell me.
It's a cat with stripes!
He likes you.
I know.
'Cause in Skanland,
cats love me.
Here, puss, puss.
Hey, puss, puss.
Hey, puss, puss, puss..
My sultan, our enemies
grow stronger every day..
yet you allow your daughter
to dismiss Prince Anders..
and a possible
military alliance.
Which enemies?
Shirabad continues to amass.
- Shirabad is our ally.
- Was our ally!
You would drag us into a war
with our oldest..
And you would allow
your kingdom
to sink into ruin
for mere sentiment!
Remember your place.
I apologize.
Forgive me, my sultan.
I went too far.
if you would
only reconsider..
I think you will see..
that invading Shirabad
is the right thing to do.
Invading Shirabad is..
Invade Shirabad?
Why would we invade
Mother's kingdom?
We would never
invade Shirabad.
But an ally in Skanland
would improve our situation.
Yes, if you consider giving
Prince Anders a chance.
To rule? Baba,
Rajah would make a better ruler.
My dear, I'm not
getting any younger.
We must find you a husband,
and we are running
out of kingdoms.
What foreign prince could care
for our people as I do?
I could lead if only..
My dear,
you cannot be a sultan..
because it has
never been done
in the 1,000-year history
of our kingdom.
I have been preparing for this
my whole life. I have read..
Books? But you cannot
read experience.
is dangerous.
People left unchecked
will revolt.
Walls and borders unguarded
will be attacked.
Jafar is right.
One day..
you will understand.
You may leave now.
Life will be kinder to you,
once you accept
these traditions..
and understand
it's better for you
to be seen and not heard.
Here comes a wave
Meant to wash me away
A tide
That is taking me under
Broken again
Left with nothing to say
My voice drowned out
In the thunder
But I can't cry
And I can't
Start to crumble
Whenever they try
To shut me or cut me down
I can't stay silent
Though they wanna
Keep me quiet
And I tremble
When they try it
All I know is I won't
Go speechless
Open the gate!
You know what to do, Abu.
Get off me!
Get off me, you dirty monkey!
Go away! Go away! Go away!
Close the gate!
Dirty monkey!
Street thief. Street thief.
'Remember your place, Jafar.'
Remember your place!
If I hear that
one more time..
Sorry, master!
Another petty insult
from that small-minded fool.
He sees a city
where I see an empire.
Such vision.
Once that lamp
sits in my hand..
then I shall sit
on his throne.
Thief in the palace.
'Thief in the palace'?
That's what I said. Thief!
What have you seen, Iago?
Diamond in the rough.
I told you,
now, come on!
Bigger circles.
Bigger circles.
Who's a clever boy?
But, Dalia,
there has to be something I can do.
A handsome prince
wants to marry you.
Oh, when will
life get easier?
It's not that I don't want to
marry, it's just..
You want to be sultan.
But why?
You remember
my mother used to say..
we would only ever be as happy
as our least happy subject?
If she saw what I saw today,
she would be heartbroken.
She would also
want you to be safe.
And clean.
I'll draw the bath.
Jafar's guards
on every corner.
Soon, he'd have them
invading our neighbors,
risking lives, for what?
I can help.
I know I can.
I was born to do more than
marry some useless prince.
If you had to marry
a useless prince,
you could certainly
do worse than this one.
He's tall and handsome.
And yes, he's a little dim,
but you're just
getting married.
It's not like
you have to talk to him.
But you'd prefer that boy
from the market.
Can I help you?
You? You!
What are you doing here?
Get in here, now!
I came back to return
your bracelet.
My bracelet?
Where is it?
On your wrist.
Not bad.
I like what she's done
with the place.
How did you
get past the guards?
That was challenging,
but I have my ways.
While the princess is out,
would you like to go
for a stroll?
Have a little chat?
You are unbelievable.
You cannot just
break into a palace
and walk around
like you own the place.
If you don't have anything,
you have to act like
you own everything.
So, what do you say?
I did find your bracelet.
You did not find it,
you stole it!
the monkey stole it.
He's your monkey.
He's still just a monkey.
Who ordered the tea?
I did.
For you, Princess Jasmine.
Your Majesty!
Why are you being weird?
Oh, I'm the princess.
And it is good to be me..
with all my palaces..
and wagons of gold things..
and dresses
for every hour of the day.
Now it is time
for my cat to be cleaned.
She doesn't get out much.
Aren't you supposed to be
in the bath?
Oh, servant girl,
this cat isn't
going to clean itself!
But don't cats
clean themselves?
You have to go now.
Oh, okay. But I'm coming back
tomorrow night.
What? No, you can't..
Meet me in the courtyard
beside the fountain
when the moon
is above the minaret.
To return this.
I promise.
Can you believe it, Abu?
The most heavily guarded
place in all of Agrabah..
Guards are behind me.
Hello, boys.
Where am I?
In a world
of trouble, boy.
That bracelet,
is that what this is about?
Because I didn't steal it.
The handmaid..
What was a handmaid doing
wearing the queen's bracelet?
The queen? No, no.
She said that
it belonged to her..
Well, at least she told
the truth about one thing.
Are you saying
that was the princess?
I was talking to the..
She was toying with you.
It amuses her
to meet commoners.
Did you actually think
she liked you?
What do they call you?
Aladdin. People like us
must be realistic if..
You see,
I was once like you.
A common thief.
Only I thought bigger.
Steal an apple
and you're a thief,
steal a kingdom
and you're a statesman.
Only weak men stop there.
You're either the most
powerful man in the room,
or you're nothing.
You, you stumbled upon
an opportunity.
I can make you rich.
Rich enough
to impress a princess.
But nothing comes for free.
What would I have to do?
There's a cave nearby,
and in it, a simple oil lamp.
Retrieve it for me
and I will make you
wealthy enough
to impress a princess.
You're nothing to her,
but you could be.
Your life begins now, Aladdin.
Still waiting?
No. No, I came out to..
He promised.
I'll be upstairs
if you need me.
Good night, Dalia.
The Cave of Wonders.
When you enter,
you will see more riches
than you ever dreamed of..
gold, diamonds,
and the lamp.
Bring it to me and I will
make you rich and free.
But take no other treasure,
no matter how sorely
you are tempted.
And you will be tempted.
Only one may enter here.
One whose worth
lies far within.
The diamond in the rough.
take nothing but the lamp.
Abu, don't touch.
This is a magic carpet.
These really do exist.
Hello, Carpet.
Let's see what we can do
about your situation here.
Oh, hey.
Don't mention it.
Abu, keep your little
monkey hands to yourself.
Abu, no!
You have touched
the forbidden treasure.
Now you will never again..
see the light of day!
Abu, jump!
Could you give me a hand?
First, the lamp.
No, first your hand.
We don't have much time.
Give me the lamp.
Your hand!
Second no more, master.
Now your hand.
How about my foot?
No! No!
Get off me, monkey!
Dirty monkey!
Second, second!
We're alive.
I think.
Thank you, Carpet.
How did you..?
You cunning little monkey.
Now, all we need's a way out.
Hey, Carpet, do you know
a way out of here?
The lamp?
What is that?
Oh, great one who summons me,
terrible one
who commands me..
I stand by my oath,
loyalty to wishes three.
I said, 'Oh, great..'
Excuse me,
boy, where's your boss?
Help me out here.
Where's your boss?
If I was gonna
talk to myself,
I could've just
stayed in the lamp.
Uh.. Uh..
Use your big boy voice.
I'm talking
to a smoking blue giant?
I am not a giant,
I am a genie.
There is a difference.
Giants are not real.
- Where's your boss?
- Uh, my boss?
Look, kid, I've been doing
this a long time, all right?
There's always a guy,
you know..
he's cheated somebody
or buried somebody..
I mean, you get my point.
Where's that guy?
I know that guy.
He's outside.
So, it's just you and me
down here?
And a monkey?
That's your
personal business..
but we gonna need to talk
about that monkey later.
It's a pretty
little monkey.
So, you rubbed the lamp?
Oh. Okay.
Hey, do you mind..
if I could just stretch it out over
here, do you mind?
Uh.. Are you asking me?
Yes. You're my master.
I'm your master?
Downward dog.
No, no. You look like
you should be my master.
Right, but that's not quite
how it works, though.
How long have you been
trapped in here?
'Bout thousand years.
A thousand years?
'A thousand years.'
Kid, is it me or does, like,
everything surprise you?
So, you really don't know
who I am?
Genie, wishes, lamp,
none of that ringing a bell?
Wow! Well, that's a first.
Oh, you don't need to worry
about him. He's fine.
Ali Baba He had them 40 thieves
Had a thousand tales
But, master, you're in luck
Because up your sleeve
You got a genie
That never fails
I'm the best.
- Yeah.
- Heh.
- Not enough, huh?
- Uh..
I'm kidding.
Watch this.
Here I go!
Uh! Ooh! Whoo!
Back up.
Uh-oh! Watch out!
You done wound me up.
'Bout to show you
what I'm working with. Uh!
Well, Ali Baba
He had them 40 thieves
Had a thousand tales
But, master, you're in luck
Because up your sleeves
You got a brand of magic
Never fails
You got some power
In your corner now
Heavy ammunition
In your camp
You got some punch, pizzazz
Yahoo, and how
All you gotta do
Is rub that lamp
And then I'll say
Mister, man
What's your name?
What will Your pleasure be?
Let me take your order
I'll jot it down
You ain't never had
A friend like me
Life is your restaurant
And I'm your maitre d'
Come whisper to me
Whatever it is you want
You ain't never had
A friend like me
We pride ourselves
On service
You the boss
The king, the shah
Say what you wish
It's yours, true dish
How about
A little more baklava?
Have some of column A
Try all of column B
I'm in the mood
To help you, dude
You ain't never had
A friend like me
Oh! Uh!
This the big part!
Watch out!
This the big part! Oh!
Can your friends do this?
Can your friends do that?
Can your friends pull this
Outta they little hat?
Can your friends go
I'm the genie of the lamp
I can sing, rap, dance
If you give me a chance
Don't sit there buggy-eyed
I'm here to answer
All your midday prayers
You got me bona fide
Got a genie
For your charge d'affaires
I got a powerful urge
To help you out
So what you wish?
I really wanna know
You got a list that's
Three miles long, no doubt
All you gotta do
Is rub like so
- Aladdin.
- Yes!
One wish or two or three
Well, I'm on the job
You big nabob
You ain't never had a friend
Never had a friend
You ain't never had a friend
Never had a friend
You ain't never had
A friend
Like me
You ain't never had
A friend like me
You can clap now.
No, no, no. Please, please.
You can thank me outside.
In the sun.
When you wish us out.
So, how does it work?
You're kidding, right?
The whole song
was the instructions!
Obviously, you can't dance
and listen at the same time.
So, here's the basics.
Step one, rub the lamp.
Step two, say what you want.
Step three..
there is no step three.
See, it's that easy.
You get three wishes..
they must begin
with rubbing the lamp
and saying,
'I wish.' Got it?
- I think so.
- Couple other rules.
You can't wish for more
wishes. Three is enough.
Now, I can't make
anybody love anybody or
bring anybody
back from the dead.
Feel free to interrupt me
anytime you don't understand.
I'm kidding, don't ever
interrupt me, no matter what.
Now, I usually don't have to
go through all of this..
because by the time
the guy gets to me,
he pretty much knows
what he wants..
and it generally
has to do with
tons of money and power!
Do me a favor,
do not drink from that cup.
I promise you there is
not enough money
and power on earth
for you to be satisfied.
Good? So,
what's your first wish?
Mmm.. Well,
I have to think about it.
I mean,
if there are only three..
Why are there
only three anyway?
I don't know, who cares?
You don't know?
I thought
you were all-knowing.
That's 'cause
you don't listen.
I never said
I was all-knowing.
I said I was all-powerful.
The most powerful being
in the universe.
Look, whatever I don't know,
I know I can learn it.
Outside in the sun.
Why are you playing
hard to wish?
I know you can't tell,
but I am very pale.
This is sky blue.
My natural pigmentation is navy.
Give us some sun.
Okay, Genie. I wish for you
to get us out of this cave.
Boom! Booyah!
He has made his first wish!
Thank you for choosing
Carpets, Camels and Caravans.
Please don't forget to tip
your genie on the way out.
Hold yourself, kid!
Man, look at this world.
It's so big!
Inside the lamp,
everything is, like,
brass, brass, brass!
You're like,
'Oh! Is that some copper?'
Nope, brass! Sorta the
problem with the genie life..
phenomenal cosmic powers,
but itty-bitty living space.
So, is this magic,
or are you magic?
Eh, kind of a package deal.
Can you warn me
before you do that?
Oh, you'll get used to it.
So, do I have to make
all my wishes here?
I mean, if I take you back
to Agrabah, won't people..?
No, no, no!
I can look totally normal.
Right, totally normal.
Still blue.
Do we need the top knot?
That's my little
cherry on top!
Okay, okay.
So, what are you gonna wish?
Oh, I haven't
thought about that.
Mmm. You really
are not that guy.
So, what would
you wish for?
No one's ever
asked me that before.
It's an easy one, though.
I'd wish to be free.
To not have to say,
'Poof! Can I help you?'
'Poof! What would you like?'
'Poof! Welcome to the lamp.
'May I take your order,
I wish to be..
to be human.
Why don't you just
set yourself free?
Carpet! Did you hear
what this boy said?
Why don't I set myself free?
Only way a genie
gets to be free..
is if the owner of the lamp
uses one of his wishes
to set him free..
and the last time
that happened was, like,
the fourth of Never-ary.
I'll do it.
I've got three, right?
Actually, you have two left.
You used one to get out
of the cave. Remember?
Did I? Or did you?
I thought I had to be
rubbing the lamp.
Okay, little street boy.
Let's rewind the tape.
Okay, Genie. I wish..
Ooh! Little monkey
with the lamp trick!
Never seen that one before.
- I'll keep my eye on you.
- Uh-oh.
At least now, I can use
my third wish to set you free.
Here's the thing
about wishes..
the more you have,
the more you want.
That's not me.
We'll see about that.
- But there is something.
- Uh-oh.
Seen that face before.
Who is she?
Who's the girl?
She's a princess.
Aw, aren't they all?
'Treat your woman like
a queen,' I always say.
she's an actual princess.
Well, I already told you,
I can't make anyone
love anyone, so..
No, no.
We had a connection.
Did they?
She is smart, and kind,
and so beautiful.
But she has to marry a..
Hey! Can you make me
a prince?
There's a lot of gray area
in 'make me a prince.'
I could just
make you a prince.
Oh, no.
Right. You'd be snuggled up
with that dude
for the rest of your life.
Yo, y'all seen my palace?
Be specific with your words.
- The deal is in the detail.
- Got it.
Which I don't
really understand
because if she
already likes you..
why change?
I told you,
she has to marry a prince.
I just
wanna go home, man!
Okay, I can do that.
An official wish this time,
for those of us
who are counting..
which now, I am one.
I wish..
Oh, sorry.
All right. Genie..
Don't hurt him, Genie!
I wish to become a prince.
Back up, boy.
I need some room to work.
I'm about to fabulize you.
Little head-spinney.
Better though, right?
I think
I'm getting used to it.
Okay, a prince, a prince.
Obviously, the ghetto-chic
is not gonna work.
I'm feeling a periwinkle.
What's periwinkle?
No! Chartreuse.
- The lines are all wrong.
- What is this?
The color clashes
with your skin tone,
the silhouette is confused.
This is a big hat!
No, that is not a big hat.
Come on, Genie!
Gotta kick the door down!
We gotta go bold and gold!
- We've gone too far.
- Genie, you're slippin'!
It's gotta be neutral
for the desert.
Ivory, beige, bone, Albion.
It's a little heavy.
Oh! And the crowd goes wild!
The genie!
The genie's on fire!
The genie's on fire, folks!
Don't hurt him, Genie!
Don't scald him!
Somebody cool me down!
Somebody put me out!
I'm too much!
Ow! I'm back!
- So, what do you think?
- I like it.
Of course you like it, boy!
I made it!
I think that's me.
Strictly speaking,
it is me.
I mean,
I did most of the work.
You was just
standing there.
But I hear you.
But won't people
recognize me?
Nobody'll recognize you.
That's how
genie magic works.
People see
what they're told to see.
Right. Who am I?
Prince Ali?
- From?
- Duh!
From Ababwa.
You're not listenin'.
- Is that a real place?
- Yeah!
everybody knows about it.
It has a brochure.
Little hot in the summer,
temperate in the fall.
But no, I'll let you
read it en route.
How are we gonna
get there?
I guess
you can't ride a chimp.
Don't you just love
a moonwalking monkey?
Uh-uh. Hold it there, Abu.
Donkey. Too small.
Too obvious.
We need somethin' robust!
Relax, Abu.
It's just for a minute.
Prince Ali of Ababwa.
And now,
for your entourage!
What's happening?
Clear the way!
Clear the way!
Clear the way!
Clear the way!
Clear the way!
Make way for Prince Ali
Say hey, it's Prince Ali
Hey, clear the way
In the old bazaar
Hey, you, let us through
It's a brand new star
Oh, come
Be the first
On your block
To meet his eye
Make way, here he comes
Ring bells, bang the drums
You're gonna love this guy
Prince Ali, fabulous he
Ali Ababwa
Show some respect
Boy, genuflect
Down on one knee
Now, try your best
To stay calm
Brush up
Your Friday salaam
Then come and meet
His spectacular coterie
Prince Ali, mighty is he
Ali Ababwa
Strong as ten regular men
He's faced
The galloping hordes
A hundred bad guys
With swords
Who sent those goons
To their lords?
Why, Prince Ali
Fellas, he's got
- 75 golden camels
- Whoo!
Now the ladies
What he got?
Purple peacocks
He's got 53
When it comes
To exotic-type mammals
Everybody, help me out!
He's got a zoo
I'm telling you
It's a world-class
Prince Ali, handsome is he
Ali Ababwa
That physique
How can I speak?
Weak in my knees
So yummy boy!
So get on out
In that square
Adjust your veil
And prepare
To gawk and grovel and stare
At Prince Ali!
He's got
95 white Persian monkeys
He's got some monkeys
A bunch of monkeys!
And to view them
He charges no fee
He's generous, so generous
He's got 10,000 servants
And flunkies
Proud to work for him
Bow to his whim
Love serving him
They're just lousy
With loyalty
To Ali
Prince Ali
Prince A..
We waitin' for you!
We're not goin' till you go!
You can do it!
There it is!
Prince Ali
Amorous he
Ali Ababwa
Heard your princess was hot
Where is she?
And that
Good people, is why
He got all cute
And dropped by
With 60 elephants
Llamas galore
- For real?
- With his bears and lions
A brass band and more
- What?
- With his 40 fakirs
His cooks, his bakers
His birds that warble on key
Make way
For Prince Ali
- Where are they?
- Relax.
- Shh.
- What is taking so long?
- Here comes the man.
- Oh.
What are you doing?
Put your arms down.
I'm presenting it.
Put your arms down!
It's a pleasure to welcome you to
Agrabah, Prince Ali.
How did you break that?
I don't know,
it fell off.
It's a pleasure
to meet him, probably.
It's just as much a pleasure
for me, Your Highness, sir.
You look very serene.
That's a curtsy,
not a bow. Stand up.
I'm afraid I'm unfamiliar
with Ababwa.
- Well, it's north.
- It's south.
Uh, we have
a north and a south.
It's near,
if you were to go, it's..
Around there, you can find it,
if you just look.
Don't help me.
The world is
changing quickly, Jafar.
It seems as if there is a new
country every day.
Don't touch me.
Don't touch me.
Well, yes,
you are very wise.
Uh, tell him
that we have gifts, please.
Oh, right! We have things.
- Did you organize this?
- Yeah!
Yes, here we are.
Gifts coming right up!
We have spices, golden camels,
and spoons, tiny spoons!
How do they
make them that tiny?
We have jams!
- Jams?
- Jams?
Yes, jams!
Yam jams, fig jams.
- Yam jams!
- And date jams.
Seedless, delicious,
exotic jams.
Move away from the jams.
- What?
- We have jewels.
We have them! And, uh, that!
Over there,
- hidden for suspense.
- Hmm?
- Uh..
- It's a wheel?
It's, uh, very expensive.
And what do you hope to buy
with this expensive?
No! No, no, no.
A moment with you,
a moment. That's not..
Are you suggesting
I am for sale?
Of course..
not! No, of course not!
It's cold and it's dark
in that lamp.
But I prefer it to this.
Please excuse me.
I need to go
and find some bread.
For the jams.
No! That's not
what I meant. I..
You did great.
That's not what I meant.
Just leave her alone.
You didn't do great.
You will get the chance
to speak again.
We hope you can
join us tonight, Prince Ali,
when we celebrate
our harvest.
Of course, your serene self.
We will join you.
In 10,000 years..
I've never been
that embarrassed.
Don't worry. You are not
out of the game yet.
Just do whatever
you'd normally do at a party.
I've never been to a party.
- What?
- What?
Oh, you're gonna need to
go back to the room, then.
You're not messing up
my night.
Prince Ali.
May I have a word?
This doesn't concern
your servant.
Well, be over there
minding my business.
I know who you are.
You do?
You're a man of
great ambition like myself.
I, uh, don't believe we've
been properly introduced.
vizier to the sultan.
I could be a valuable ally to
help you get what you want.
I, uh..
I will think on that.
I don't wanna
keep the princess waiting.
Perhaps I'm not
making myself clear.
This offer will not be on
the table for long, you see.
Prince Ali.
Excuse me. Prince Ali,
your presence is requested.
So, I guess
that's the guy.
That's the guy.
Okay, there she is.
This is your chance.
You know what?
There are a lot of people.
I don't think I can do this.
- You'll be fine.
- Okay.
This one's gonna be easy.
Ooh! And look
at her handmaid.
And she's going
to get some punch.
Feelin' a little
thirsty myself.
No! No, no!
You can't leave me.
They'll see
right through me.
No, they won't.
All you have to do is walk over there.
And speak.
I also have to speak.
Okay, listen to me.
- I live in a lamp.
- Mmm-hmm.
This is a party.
Do not mess this up
for me. Okay?
I like to party.
Go get her!
Princess Jasmine!
You? You're still here?
- What are you doing?
- Hmm?
What are you doing?
I'm just making sure the
water is a good temperature.
Why are you not over there?
How am I supposed to
compete with that?
Look at him.
He's so princely.
You have got to be
more confident
about what you have to offer.
What do I have to offer?
Knowledge of
how to steal food?
How to jump
between buildings?
Now, Prince Ali,
he has jewels.
No, stop, stop, stop!
I made you look like a prince
on the outside.
But I didn't change anything
on the inside.
Prince Ali got you
to the door..
but Aladdin has to open it.
See, the sultan
does like me!
Okay, well, maybe
he'll let you be his wife.
Look at that, another prince
more interested in Baba.
I don't know,
I think this one might be different.
And he comes with an
incredibly attractive friend.
Please make it work.
And what about Prince Ali?
Oh, look at him.
He's trying so hard.
And that's the problem.
- Showtime.
- No.
I'm waiting
for the right moment.
No. No waiting.
We're done waiting.
No, I'm in charge. Okay?
I say when
it's the right moment.
Really? Really?
He's here.
Say something, act natural.
I'm sorry for the jams,
and the jewels..
and the buying you.
That wasn't me. It was me,
I don't..
It was me, I don't have a
twin or anything, but I..
Dance? I'd love to.
Just dance.
Go. Go.
Bravo! Well done!
Something very strange
about him.
Keep a close eye
on Prince Ali.
She just walked out.
Maybe I went a tad far
with the back flip..
but that dance
may be the best thing
you ever do in your life!
I was pretty good.
But nothing seems
to impress her.
Yeah, it's crazy.
Not gems or jams or jewels.
If I can't impress her,
I wonder who can.
What's that
supposed to mean?
I'm just sayin'
try being yourself.
But she has to
marry a prince.
If I just had
a few more minutes with her,
I know I could..
You need to get me
over there.
Is that an official wish?
No. It's a favor.
For a friend.
Oh, yeah, see, genies don't
really have friends.
I thought you said you never
had a friend like me.
No, I said you never had
a friend like me!
When you're a genie,
somebody always wants
something from ya.
It's awkward.
You're right,
you're right.
it would've involved
a certain handmaiden..
Ooh! Ha!
I see what you're doing!
You hooked me.
See you there?
Good evening.
How did you get past
the guards?
Oh, uh, I snuck past.
All 48 of them?
Even the ones that eat fire?
Yes, well, that's what people
say about me!
Well, that didn't come out
the right way.
No one says that.
I don't know why I said that.
They're beautiful!
She will hate them.
Tell Prince Ali the way to
her heart is through her mind.
Oh, actually, these are
from me to you.
Could you excuse me
one moment?
Wait, no, just..
'That's what people say
about me.' Come on, Genie!
My favorites. I accept.
Please continue.
I was noticing
how pleasant the evening is.
At the party,
I noticed you noticing..
how pleasant I am.
Right. How's this going?
It's clumsy,
but in a charming sort of a way.
A stroll.
Would you like to take
an evening stroll?
Just the two of us?
On purpose?
Yes, as people.
Just one more second.
Why would I say
'as people'?
That kid is contagious!
I've never done this before.
How does it work?
- Do you like sheep cheese?
- Uh..
Come in.
I'm already in.
Don't move.
I just came back
because you left so..
How did you get there?
Magic carpet?
Actually, I'm glad
you are here.
You are?
I've been trying
to find Ababwa,
but it doesn't seem to be
on any of my maps.
Care to show me?
I'd love to.
let's not eat the prince today.
He needs his legs
for dancing.
Did I go too far
with the back flip?
A little.
- Ababwa?
- Yes.
I need to find Ababwa.
My other brother..
the short one,
not the one
who gifted me a goat,
he's married..
She has maps, lots of maps.
Ababwa, of course.
Yak napkins
are not easy to find..
Have you lost your country?
My country?
No, no.
There it is.
I don't think so.
I've been..
There it is.
How did I not see that?
Who needs maps
They're old and useless,
and add no practical value.
Maps are how I see the world.
I thought a princess
could go anywhere.
Not this princess.
would you wanna..?
Oh. Uh..
Sorry, sorry.
Thanks for that.
I was saying you should
see these places.
I mean, there's a whole world
outside of books and maps.
Do you want to?
How? Every door is guarded.
Who said anything
about a door?
What are you doing?
Sometimes, Princess..
sometimes, you just
have to take a risk.
What just happened?
Is this..?
A magic carpet?
Do you trust me?
What did you say?
Do you trust me?
I can show you the world
Shining, shimmering
Tell me, Princess
Now when did you last
Let your heart decide?
I can open your eyes
Take you wonder by wonder
Over, sideways and under
On a magic carpet ride
A whole new world
A new fantastic
Point of view
No one to tell us no
Or where to go
Or say we're only dreaming
A whole new world
A dazzling place
I never knew
But when I'm way up here
It's crystal clear
That now I'm in
A whole new world
With you
Now I'm in A
whole new world with you
Unbelievable sights
- Indescribable feeling
- Feeling
tumbling Freewheeling
Through an endless
Diamond sky
A whole new world
Don't you dare
Close your eyes
A hundred thousand
Things to see
Hold your breath
It gets better
I'm like a shooting star
I've come so far
I can't go back
To where I used to be
A whole new world
Ev'ry turn a surprise
With new
horizons To pursue
Ev'ry moment red-letter
I'll chase them anywhere
There's time to spare
Let me share
This whole new world
With you
A whole new world
A whole new world
That's where we'll be
That's where we'll be
A thrilling chase
A wondrous place
For you and me
Of all the places
you've shown me,
this is by far
the most beautiful.
you just have to see it
from a different
It's them, the people.
They make it beautiful.
And they deserve a leader
who knows that.
I don't know why
I think it could be me.
Because it should be you.
You think so?
Does it matter
what I think?
Oh, look at that adorable
monkey down there.
Is that Abu?
No, no,
it couldn't be Abu, he's..
So, how many names
do you have, Prince Aladdin?
No, no, I..
So who is Prince Ali?
I am Prince Ali.
But how would you
know the city so well?
I came to Agrabah early..
because to know a people,
you have to see them
for yourself.
But you already
know that.
When we first met,
you were disguised in your own city.
You saw us arrive
with dancers, an elephant,
and a magic carpet.
How could a street thief
have all that?
But how could I not
recognize you?
People don't see the real you
when you're royalty.
I'm sorry.
I'm embarrassed.
I mean, you've seen
more of Agrabah in days
than I have
in an entire lifetime.
We should..
probably head back.
Until tomorrow, Princess.
Good night.
Good night.
I like that face.
Good date?
The best.
But it was better
than the best.
She figured out I was Aladdin.
You said that wouldn't happen.
Wow! I mean, genie magic
is really just a facade.
At some point,
real character's always
gonna shine through.
But that's a good thing,
right? Now, she knows.
Well, what?
He told me he was only
pretending to be a thief
to see the city..
but he's actually
a prince.
I convinced her that
I really was a prince.
And you believed him?
And she believed you?
I think so.
Eventually, you are going to
have to tell her the truth.
I will tell her.
I sort of am a prince now.
So, you're gonna drink
from that cup.
You don't think maybe
you want to believe him..
because you have to
marry a prince,
but you can't marry a thief?
No, I believe him. I do.
When the time is right,
I will tell her.
Not again.
Please, please.
Gentlemen, I think there's
been some sort of confusion.
I don't think you know
who I am.
Oh, no, no.
I know who you are.
I don't know who that is.
I'm Prince Ali..
- Street rat!
- ..of Ababwa.
Prince from a kingdom
that doesn't exist..
who now possesses
a magic carpet
from the Cave of Wonders.
Seems to me, the only way
that's possible..
Where's your monkey? if you found
a certain treasure.
My treasure.
Where's the lamp?
There's clearly been some
sort of misunderstanding.
I'm Prince Ali.
If I throw you
off of that balcony,
and you are
who you say you are..
you will die
a watery death.
If you survive,
it can only be because of the lamp.
In which case,
I will have my answer.
For the last time..
where is the lamp?
Listen to me. I don't know
who you think I am.
Goodbye, Aladdin.
No! No!
Boy, what in the..?
Whoa. Hey, kid, okay.
I can't get you out of this
unless you make a wish!
You have to make a wish!
Come on, wake up!
Okay, try and form the words
'I wish.'
Kid, come on, wake up!
Wake up.
You need to think.
Think, think.
Okay, okay!
A little gray area here,
but it's worth a try.
'I, Aladdin,
being of sound body and mind..
'declare that my second wish
'is to be saved
from certain doom.'
I took the liberty
to backdate that a day.
I hope you don't mind.
Yes! Here we go! Come on!
Come on, kid! Come on!
Kid? Kid? Kid, please.
Come on! Wake up!
Wake up, wake up!
Kid, wake up.
Probably could've done that
the other direction, but..
How you doing?
Thanks, Genie.
Hey, no problem, you know.
I was in the neighborhood.
I thought you said no favors.
I thought you said no friends.
Right. Um.. It actually
cost you a wish.
Whatever it cost,
you saved my life.
Yeah, that's true.
I mean, strictly speaking
though, it was a team effort.
Thank you.
We have to stop Jafar.
That's not gonna be easy.
The sultan trusts him
He has everybody fooled.
Maybe not everyone.
I overheard Prince Ali
talking to his advisor..
about returning with an army
to conquer Agrabah.
Now it appears
he's fled in the night.
You heard him
say this, Jafar,
and you saw him leave?
Yes, with my own ears
and my own eyes.
So, what's the problem
now, Princess?
This is the problem, Jafar.
If what you say is true,
then why is Prince Ali
still here?
Your Majesty.
Prince Ali.
This is a surprise.
Your Highness,
your advisor's not who he says he is.
I'm not who I say I am?
Baba, he tried
to kill Prince Ali.
Jafar, can you explain
this to me?
My sultan..
you know my loyalty
belongs to you.
Your loyalty..
Your loyalty..
Prince Ali, you invited
yourself into our city..
and we welcomed you
as our guest.
But I believe
your intentions are..
You're a grave danger
to Agrabah
and you shall be
dealt with as such.
- Baba, what are you saying?
- Enough, Jasmine!
Jafar told me
of Prince Ali's ambition.
His staff.
He's here
for my throne.
What happened?
He had you under a spell.
He's not to be trusted,
Your Majesty.
He wants your throne.
Jafar! You were
my most trusted advisor.
Hakim! Put him
in the dungeon!
You should think
about how quickly
the sands of power shift
in a storm, Hakim.
I am loyal to my sultan,
as you should have been.
The law is the law.
Prince Ali,
I must apologize.
Well, Your Highness,
there's something I'd like to explain.
Your honor and integrity
will never again be
questioned here in Agrabah.
A more noble
and sincere young man
has never graced
the chambers of this palace.
Well, uh..
- Wow.
- I..
I would be honored
to call you my son..
..if that were something
anyone wanted.
So, you got the girl.
I mean, trust me,
I had my doubts
after your whole jam debacle.
But you pulled yourself
back together a little bit.
I did, didn't I?
I think I finally got the
hang of being a prince.
Oh, well, that's not
exactly what I meant.
You were right! People see
what they wanna see.
Aladdin is gone.
I'm Prince Ali now.
Wow. Got it all figured out
now, huh, kid?
And, you know, I was thinking
about my last wish..
and I just can't do this
without you.
I know I told you
I'd use it to set you free,
but you heard the sultan.
I can't let everything
we worked for fall apart.
So, you just
never tell her the truth?
You're gonna
keep living the lie?
It's not a lie.
People can change.
they can change all right.
And that's a bad thing?
Everything is better now.
No one got hurt.
You'd rather me be
back on the streets
stealing to survive?
I thought you'd be
happy for me.
But all you cared about
was that
I use my last wish
to set you free.
Well, kid, I don't care
nothin' about that wish.
This is about you,
what's happening to you.
You'd rather lie
to somebody you love
than give all of this up.
You don't get it, Genie.
People like me
don't get anything
except by pretending.
I think maybe
you don't get it.
The more you gain
by pretending,
the less you're actually
gonna have.
In 10,000 years,
I have never once, ever..
called a master a friend.
I broke the rules for you,
I saved your life.
And for what?
You are breaking
my heart here, kid.
You're breaking my heart.
Genie, no!
Hey, come on!
Lamp. Lamp.
Master. Lamp.
Who does he think he is?
He's supposed to serve me.
I'm the same as I always was
on the inside. Right, Abu?
Aah! Are you kidding?
Now, why would you
rub the thing under the..
Street rat
Would they think that
If they look much closer?
Still, I can't
Play a prince here
No, siree
Gotta tell the truth
I can't pretend
Even if it means
This dream will end
Even if she walks away
From me
You should have left Agrabah
while you had the chance.
Why leave when the city
belongs to me now?
- It's over, Jafar.
- Oh, good for you.
I've endured
your spineless incompetence
for long enough now.
- Hakim.
- Old fool.
For my first wish,
I wish to be
sultan of Agrabah!
As you wish, Master.
You obey the sultan,
so you obey me now.
You know the law, Hakim!
My sultan!
My sultan!
Marshal an army
to invade Shirabad.
- Shirabad!
- You cannot..
I think we've heard enough
from you, Princess.
It's time you start doing
what you should have done
all along.
Stay silent.
Guards, remove her!
Control that cat if you know
what's good for you.
Rajah! It's all right.
- Don't touch her!
- Baba.
And understand
it's better for you
to be seen and not heard.
I think we've heard enough
from you, Princess.
Stay silent.
Written in stone
Ev'ry rule, ev'ry word
Centuries old
And unbending
'Stay in your place
Better seen and not heard'
Well, now that story
Is ending
'Cause I
I cannot start to crumble
So come on and try
Try to shut me
And cut me down
I won't be silenced
You can't keep me quiet
Won't tremble
When you try it
All I know is
I won't go speechless
Let the storm in
I cannot be broken
No, I won't live unspoken
'Cause I know
That I won't go speechless
Try to lock me
In this cage
I won't just lay me down
And die
I will take
These broken wings
And watch me
Burn across the sky
Hear the echo saying
I won't be silenced
Though you wanna see me
Tremble when you try it
All I know is
I won't go speechless
'Cause I'll breathe
When they try
To suffocate me
Don't you underestimate me
'Cause I know that
I won't go speechless
All I know is
I won't go speechless
Take her away!
Tell them, Hakim.
You were just a boy
when your father
came to work the grounds.
But you have risen up
to become
our most trusted soldier.
As a man, I know you to be
both loyal and just.
But now you have to choose.
Duty isn't always honor.
Our greatest challenge
isn't speaking up
against our enemies..
but defying those whose
approval we seek the most.
Jafar is not worthy of your
admiration nor your sacrifice.
I wish nothing but glory
for the kingdom of Agrabah.
No. You seek glory
for yourself.
And you would win it
off the backs of my people!
Hakim, these men,
they will follow
where you lead..
but it's up to you.
Will you stand silent
while Jafar destroys
our beloved kingdom..
or will you do
what is right..
and stand with the people
of Agrabah?
My princess.
Forgive me, my sultan.
Guards, arrest the vizier!
Lamp! Rub the lamp.
So, this is how it will be.
Not even the title of sultan
will wake the herd
from their sleep.
I should've known.
If you won't bow
before a sultan,
you will cower
before a sorcerer.
Genie! I wish to become
the most powerful sorcerer
there is!
As you wish, Master.
This could be fun.
Hakim, I had
such big plans for you.
But now..
you are no longer
of any use to me.
Perhaps your men would like to
follow you to the dungeon.
You too.
Prince Ali!
If it isn't our Prince Ali.
- Ali!
- Or should I say..
He's been pretending
the entire time.
An impostor.
There is no Prince Ali.
There never was.
He's nothing
but a lying thief.
I'm sorry.
You're insignificant.
An irritation I no longer
need to tolerate..
once I ensure
your agonizing death
by banishing you
to the ends of the earth.
I could simply kill you all.
But that would be
inadequate repayment
for years of humiliation
and neglect.
'Remember your place, Jafar.'
'You forget yourself, Jafar.'
No, what you need, Baba,
is to suffer.
- Like I have suffered.
- Baba?
Would watching me rule
your kingdom be enough?
Or watching my armies
devour your toothless ally?
Please, make it stop.
No, the most
suitable punishment
would be to make you watch..
while I take
what you love most.
No. No, please.
And marry your daughter.
She will never marry you.
I will do as you wish!
Make it stop.
Make it stop.
Baba, are you all right?
Are you okay?
Let's get out of here.
Your Highness, Sultan,
in honesty and sincerity..
do you accept
Princess Jasmine..?
Yes, I accept.
Princess Jasmine,
do you accept the sultan
to be your husband?
Come on, woman.
do not!
The lamp! The lamp!
Stop her!
No, Jasmine! No!
No! No!
The lamp! Iago!
- Are you okay?
- Yes.
Hold on!
The lamp!
The lamp!
Carpet, get me up there!
You're nothing
without your staff!
The lamp!
Punish them. Punish them.
Genie should witness.
As the old man said..
you should've left Agrabah
when you had the chance.
I told you before
to think bigger.
You could've been the most
powerful man in the room.
But now I hold the lamp.
I hold the power.
You can't find
what you're looking for
in that lamp, Jafar.
I tried and failed,
and so will you.
You think so,
but I am sultan!
I am the greatest sorcerer
the world has ever seen.
I will create an empire
that history cannot ignore.
I can destroy cities.
I can destroy kingdoms.
And I can destroy you.
But who made you a sultan?
Who made you a sorcerer?
There will
always be something,
some man, some being..
- more powerful than you.
- What are you doing?
Genie gave you your power,
and he can take it away.
- He serves me!
- For now.
But you'll never have
more power than the genie.
You said it yourself.
You're either most powerful
in the room..
or you're nothing.
You'll always be second.
Second! Second!
Only second?
He serves me!
I will make sure no one will
ever say these words again.
For my final wish,
I wish to become
the most powerful being
in the universe.
More powerful than you!
A lot of gray area
in that wish, but, uh..
most powerful being
in the universe
coming right up!
The most powerful
in the universe, at last..
second to no one.
And I thought
I had power before!
First, I'll lay waste
to those fools in Shirabad.
What have you done to me?
I haven't done anything
to you, Jafar.
What have you done to me?
This was your wish, not mine.
A genie might have
phenomenal cosmic powers..
But an itty-bitty
living space.
You see,
a genie without a master
goes back in their lamp.
No! Not the lamp!
I will not forget you, boy!
Mark my words,
I will not forget
what you have done to me!
Goodbye, Jafar!
Parrot! You're coming with me!
- Baba.
- Come on.
Couple thousand years
in the Cave of Wonders
ought to cool you off.
Wait. Wait.
How can I ever thank you?
Oh, no. No,
you don't need to thank me.
But I hope
you accept my apology.
I'm sorry to the both of you.
Especially you.
You deserve so much.
We all make mistakes.
I hope you find
what you're looking for.
Ooh, that's a bit
of a mess there, Abu.
Let me take care
of that for you.
No, no long faces, all right?
I got an idea.
All right?
This is your last wish.
Royalty was
the right idea, okay?
We should just
riff on that a little bit.
All right,
here's what I'm thinking.
Aladdin, warrior prince,
a noble heart in a land
where thieves run feral!
You like it?
No? Okay, all right.
I hear you loud and clear.
All right.
But this is what you need.
The governing laws of Agrabah
by royal decree.
Okay? And here it is.
'Must marry a prince.'
But you say the words..
and this law just,
kinda like, goes away.
And you and the princess
are in it together forever.
You can just make
the law disappear?
Pfft! Please.
Like it never existed.
All right.
Last wish, let's get it.
Okay. Last wish.
I'm ready, hold on.
Here we go.
I wish..
Third and final wish.
I wish
to set you free.
Whoa. What? Oh!
Wait, am I..?
Wait, wait, wait.
Tell me to do something.
Um.. Get me some jams.
Get it yourself?
Get your own jams!
Thank you.
Thank you.
No. Thank you, Genie.
I owe you everything.
What are you gonna do now?
there is this handmaiden..
that I would love
to travel the world with.
If she'll have me.
When do we leave?
Also, I want children.
Yes. Two of them.
Lian and Omar,
three years apart.
They will worship us both
and ask lots of questions..
and you will entertain them
with stories and songs.
..and he's handsome like me.
We'll have a boat.
A large one
with multiple levels
and magnificent sails.
I was thinking
more of a smaller one.
Sit with me, my child.
I'm sorry.
- Baba, why are you..?
- Please, let me finish.
I feared losing you.
Like I lost your mother.
All I saw was my little girl,
not the woman you have become.
You have shown me
courage and strength.
You are the future of Agrabah.
You shall be the next sultan.
Thank you, Baba.
And as sultan,
you may change the law.
He is a good man.
Where'd he go?
Stop, thief.
Your sultan commands it.
Does that mean I'm in trouble?
Only because you got caught.
Can your friends do this?
You ain't never had
A friend like me
- Yeah
- Another one
You know it's Will Smith
And DJ Khaled!
Too late
Y'all done wound me up
Hurry up!
Too late
Y'all done wound me up
Hurry up!
'Bout to show you
What I'm workin' with
Show me
What you're workin' with
It's the Ali Baba
It's the big papa
It's the blue pants
Jasmine, like the flower
It's the grant you wishes
That don't even cost a dollar
You ride in on a carpet
When you ride in
Wanna holler like
Tell me where you wanna go
Hold up!
Don't tell me, I already know
Watch out
It's the genie with a attitude
Three wishes
What I need to make true?
- Mister
- Mister
- Mister
- Mister
- Tell me whatever you need
- What you need?
Anything rearranged
Even climate can change
You ain't never had
A friend like me
Just a lamp and a rub away
From whatever you want
Habibi, let me show you
The dream
Just whisper
If you don't wanna
Shout out what you need
But I promise you ain't
Never had a friend like me
Tell the angels and gods
Pass the baklava
Make 'em travel from close
Or make 'em travel from far
Well, this is your chance,
man Wish from the soul
When I'm out of the lamp,
man I'm out of control
I got gold on my shoes
Temple with jewels
A room for wise men
And plenty for fools
I don't want you to lose
Tryin' to help ya, dude
You ain't never had
A friend like me
- Go big time!
- Big time!
- Wish big time!
- Big time!
- Go big time!
- Big time!
- Go big time!
- Big time!
- Wish big time!
- Big time!
Go big time!
- Let me see you flex on her
- Flex on her
- Shine on her
- Shine on her
- Style on her
- Style on her
- Slide on her
- Slide on her
Too fly, too fly on her
Just glide on her
Cool as a fan
I'm the coolest
Bluest one of 'em all
You can wish to be rich
You can wish to be tall
You can wish away the haters
You just give me a call
You can wish for
What you want
'Cause I'm grantin' 'em all
- Mister
- Mister
- Mister
- Mister
- Tell me whatever you need
- What you need?
Anything rearranged
Even climate can change
You ain't never had
A friend like me
Just a lamp and a rub away
From whatever you want
Habibi, let me show you
The dream
Just whisper
If you don't wanna
Shout out what you need
But I promise you ain't
Never had a friend like me
Please don't get me started
Fly like magic carpet
You ain't never had a friend
- Never had a friend
- Never!
You ain't never had a friend
- Never had a friend
- Never!
- You ain't never
- Never
- Had a
- Had a
- Friend
- Friend
- Like
- Like
You ain't never had
A friend like me
I can show you the world
Shining, shimmering splendid
Tell me, Princess
Now when did you last
Let your heart decide?
I can open your eyes
Take you wonder by wonder
Over sideways and under
On a magic carpet ride
A whole new world
A new fantastic
Point of view
No one to tell us no
Or where to go
Or say we're only dreaming
A whole new world
A dazzling place
I never knew
But when I'm way up here
It's crystal clear
That now I'm in
A whole new world with you
Now I'm in a whole new world
With you
Unbelievable sights
Indescribable feeling
Soaring, tumbling
Through an endless
Diamond sky
A whole new world
Don't you dare
Close your eyes
A hundred thousand things
To see
Hold your breath
It gets better
I'm like a shooting star
I've come so far
I can't go back
To where I used to be
A whole new world
With new horizons to pursue
I'll chase them anywhere
There's time to spare
Let me share
This whole new world with you
- A whole new world
- A whole new world
A new fantastic
Point of view
No one to tell us no
Or where to go
Or say we're only dreaming
- A whole new world
- Every turn, a surprise
- With new horizons to pursue
- Every moment, red-letter
I'll chase them anywhere
There's time to spare
- Anywhere, ooh
- There's time to spare
Let me share
This whole new world with you
- A whole new world
- A whole new world
- That's where we'll be
- That's where we'll be
- A thrilling chase
- A wondrous place
For you and me