Bones Does Booth Start Gambling Again

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  1. Bones Booth Start Gambling Again
  2. What Episode Of Bones Does Booth Start Gambling Again
What season of bones does booth start gambling again
Previously on Bones: Any big emotional change, even good, can trigger a relapse.
I don't understand-- he just read your text.
He might have too good of a hand.
He's an addict.
And you checked in with your sponsor? Why do I feel like I'm being interrogated? Listen, I need to put $200 on the Cardinals.
Arastoo, what's going on? It's my brother, Hamid, in Iran.
He's sick.
I have to go back, make sure he's getting the best care.
You can't go back.
You were exiled.
It's not your decision, Cam.
Arastoo's thinking of going back to Iran.
Isn't that dangerous for him? Yeah, very.
I booked a flight, Cam.
It leaves in a few hours.
Yeah, I know.
I'm looking at the scores right now.
How much am I down? You sure about that? Okay, look, you know that I'm good for it, all right? Just give me a break.
Booth, are you talking to me? No.
Hey, look, I got to go.
I'll call you right back.
Who were you talking to? Oh, stupid telemarketers.
I can tell by the look on your face, the Phillies lost last night.
Yeah, they had a bad outing.
Hey, you know, speaking of sports, I have a question for you.
It's somewhat bones-related.
I welcome all questions about the skeletal system.
Right, okay.
So in baseball, there's this surgery.
It's called Tommy John surgery.
You mean ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction.
Some people say that, uh, pitchers that come back after having this surgery are even better.
We're talking wicked fastball.
Wicked being good or wicked bad? Wicked in baseball is always good, Bones.
So let's say this guy who's had this surgery, he's, uh, he's playing today.
According to studies I've read, successful recovery is directly proportional to time spent in physical therapy.
Generally, a year is recommended.
So let's say he's only, I don't know, completed eight months of therapy.
Statistically, it's unlikely he will have a wicked outing.
Wicked! Ha-ha! I'm telling you, it's so great living with a genius.
You are very fortunate to have me.
I'll get Christine ready for preschool.
All right.
Christine Yeah, it's me.
Listen, I gotta make a bet.
Arastoo! I was hoping I'd hear from you.
What's all that noise? Well, I'm just picking up some ice cream for my brother.
I'm at this place, Jasmine and Rose, and I'm telling you, they have the best orange blossom ice cream you've ever had.
Well, Hamid must be feeling pretty well if you're getting him ice cream.
The lab results just came back.
Not one glioblastoma.
So he's in full remission? That's amazing.
It also means, one week from today, I will be coming home.
I am so happy.
For your brother, for you and for me, because I've missed you so much.
Arastoo? Are you still there? - Sorry, Cam, I got to go.
- Wait, why? There's this guy I don't want to scare you, but I think he's following me.
Have they dug up your record? I have no record.
Hold on, I think I can lose him.
Arastoo, are you there? Yeah, I'm okay.
I don't know who that was, but Arastoo? Arastoo! You.
Get Dr.
Hodgins and Angela.
And call Agent Booth at the FBI.
Tell him I need him now! I just spoke to Dr.
She's on her way.
Have you been able to talk to him yet? Uh, no, not directly.
But whoever took Arastoo doesn't know that the line is still connected, so we can hear what's happening.
Sort of.
Are you recording this? I started as soon as he was taken.
Whoa, whoa.
That-that was Arastoo.
- Yeah.
He said something about a vase? No, I think he said 'Valiasr Street.
' - It's a thoroughfare in Tehran.
- Do you have him? Is the call still live? Shh, shh, shh.
What are you doing here? Where's Booth? He's on with the NSA, the CIA, whole alphabet soup-- anybody that's got eyes and ears in Iran.
He'll be here as soon as he can.
Did you try tracking him through the GPS in his cell? He's using a cell he bought in Iran.
Angie, can you I'm good, but hacking into Iran's telecommunications network? Oh, God, what's happening? Mr.
Vaziri, I am Majid Namazi.
You're in Parliament.
I've seen your picture in the paper.
Then you know I am a man of influence.
A member of the Majlis.
What is this place? And who is this? This is a surgical center that is vacant.
So we won't be discovered.
As for the remains, that's why you are here.
I want to leave.
I am an American citizen.
I demand to be let go.
In this country, you are still an Iranian citizen.
And I have an edict issued in 1997 charging you with crimes against national security.
I was 18 years old.
I wrote a-a poem about democracy that was printed in some underground magazine An act which was considered undermining to the Islamic Republic.
But that edict was never even issued.
Otherwise, I never would have been allowed to return to Iran.
An oversight.
One that I can correct, which would land you in prison for many years.
Unless an arrangement can be made.
What kind of arrangement? I am told, since fleeing to America, you have become an expert in forensic anthropology.
Please a demonstration.
Make me believe that you are as invaluable as I am told.
The victim is male.
Moderate to complete closure of the endocranial sutures suggests an age of 25 to 30.
Furrows and punctures to the left temporal and zygomatic bone indicates the body was scavenged by a mid-sized carnivore.
The victim's dentition is slightly worn, evidence he likely grew up in an urban environment.
Also, he suffers from micrognathia, a distinct genetic condition which you also exhibit leading me to conclude the victim is your son.
His name is Darius.
He was my only son.
A good son.
Yet he ends up like this.
Didn't the authorities investigate? How did you steal his remains? The only question that concerns you is what happened to my son.
If I don't get satisfaction, I promise you will be tried for your crimes.
Cam listen, I swear I am doing everything I can, but the U.
has no diplomatic ties in Iran.
So, what, there's nothing to be done? Look, I called Danny over at the CIA, okay? He's got all of his contacts over there, he's gonna call me when he finds something out.
That's not good enough, Seeley.
I'm going over there myself.
You can't fly to Iran by yourself.
Booth is right.
Obtaining a visa could take at least 15 days.
But he could be dead by then.
You just have to have patience Patient? Would you be patient if it was Dr.
Brennan over there? Danny could probably get us the paperwork in a matter of hours.
I'm sorry.
'Us'? Well, I should go with her.
She can't go alone.
I have multiple contacts from past archaeological digs and I'm fluent in Farsi.
And you're pregnant.
You cannot fly to Iran.
He's right.
I-I will be fine.
'Cause I'm going with you.
I will be fine.
End of discussion, okay? I'm gonna go with you.
I'll take care of this.
Danny, it's Booth.
Listen, uh, you know all those favors that, uh, you owe me? I gotta cash them in.
Hey, I just heard from Booth.
He and Cam are in the air.
So, all right, Cam told us that Arastoo was taken from this ice cream shop, - Jasmine and Rose.
- I just want to say, the Persians make a great pistachio.
It's creamy.
Not relevant.
Okay, uh, from the time Arastoo was taken until we lost contact, it was just under eight minutes.
Yeah, so he couldn't have been taken too far.
Arastoo knew the phone call was active.
So instead of asking where they were going, he mentioned specific landmarks.
Yeah, like the, uh, the Navab Safavi Highway here, uh, Valiasr Street I pulled garbled sounds from the background, like, uh, passing trains at Rah Ahan Square or the protestors at Azadi Tower.
That's amazing.
Now, we know the car stopped here: - Taleghani Street.
- So, now listen.
They took three flights of stairs or 36 steps.
The question is, are they going up or down? Up.
The footsteps aren't loud, which means they're using the balls of their feet rather than their heels, which occurs on descending.
That's very impressive.
I used to work surveillance.
Domestic surveillance? I was just starting to like you.
Hey, whatever it takes to keep you safe.
So what's three stories up at that location? Uh, it's a center for plastic surgery.
Or it used to be.
It looks like it's closed now.
I am sweating, Seeley.
And it's not because of the heat.
You're doing great, okay? Everything's gonna be fine, all right? Danny said, uh, this guy's gonna meet us around the square somewhere.
As-salaam alaikum, Mr.
Saroyan, I assume.
Welcome to the Islamic Republic.
All right, thanks.
Danny tells me you need a guide.
I am Hooshmand.
One name, like Beyoncé.
Great, how much you charge for showing us the city? No, no, no, no.
Danny pays me, which is why he is my friend.
Please, huh? Follow me.
And Arastoo, is he's safe? Oh, yes.
He is very well.
He was taken by a very powerful man here named Majid Namazi.
A member of the Parliament here in Iran.
Namazi, this is Agent Booth and Dr.
Please make yourself comfortable.
These are two tickets back to America.
The flight leaves this afternoon.
If you are on it, there will be no unpleasantness.
Wait, no! I need to see Arastoo.
- You said you can help us.
- I am.
Sometimes there is a limit to what can be accomplished.
I'm keeping you safe.
That is what I promised Danny.
Whoa, whoa, wait, wait.
What if we can help you? 'Help'? Yeah, help.
If Arastoo is actually unharmed, that means you need him alive.
You have a murder that needs to be solved.
And if you brought him to an abandoned surgical center rather than a real morgue, that means you're operating outside the law.
It is unwise to threaten me.
This is not a threat.
This is an offer.
We're here to help you.
You already have one forensic anthropologist.
I can offer you a great coroner in Dr.
Yeah, and an entire Jeffersonian forensic team.
And the FBI in exchange for Arastoo after we solve your murder.
Arastoo! Cam! Booth! What are you doing here? Arastoo, I never thought I'd see you again.
Hey! Hey! Hey! Stop! Stop! Stop! Hey, hey! Hands off her! Hey, get your hands off of her! They are not married.
If they kissed like that in the public, they would be arrested.
You're in my country now.
You understand? Now, do what you promised.
What's he talking about? Booth made a deal.
We help and you get to go free.
The victim's name is Darius Namazi.
He was 25 years old.
Looks like you already started the autopsy.
Excellent work.
Should be.
I learned from watching you.
All right, look, what's the official cause of death? Officially the victim died from a broken neck after accidentally falling down the stairs at his house.
Government tox screen indicated he was drunk at time of death.
My son did not drink.
This wasn't an accident.
All right, look, we need you to hook up the video link to the Jeffersonian, okay? Can you do that now? We were able to bypass all of the government Internet filters.
Which means we should be connected now.
Nice work.
Can you see us? I-I see you, Booth.
Are you okay? - Yeah, everyone's fine here.
- Hey, everyone, I know we're 6,000 miles away, but I want us to run this like any other crime scene.
I'm sending you all the X rays and photos I have of the victim.
When and where were the remains found? Monday morning.
The housekeeper found him at the base of the stairs at his place.
Hey, gang, in terms of insect activity, we should be looking at the same beetles and blowflies that we have here.
Don't worry, we'll get the bugs overnighted to you.
Based solely on lividity, I'd say that the body was there four or five days before being discovered.
Hold on, if the body was found inside the house, why does it look like a werewolf was snacking on the remains? Scavengers must've gotten inside.
Some of the gnaw marks are definitely from rats, but there was also a larger scavenger.
Well, because we're in Iran, the most likely candidate would be a jackal, so I'll need you to swab to confirm.
There are multiple impact wounds bilaterally to the radii and ulnas.
Also subperiosteal bone bruising, consistent with a fall down stairs.
Okay, what about evidence of booze? Uh, he was supposedly drunk, right? I ran tests on what was left of the victim's throat.
Definitely alcohol.
Right, and since she hasn't tested the liver yet, it's possible that alcohol was forced down his throat.
That's the only explanation.
That's the victim's father.
The alcohol itself is known as Aragh Sagi; it's a homemade brew made out of fermented raisins.
Even though alcohol is illegal, it's a common drink among Iranian youth.
Vaziri, the concomitant fracturing to the left temporal! Blunt force trauma.
Same as the other injuries.
The force profile is wrong.
Take a look at the incisive edges along the fracture lines.
So the victim was hit before going down the stairs? Which means he was murdered.
So you were right, Mr.
This was not an accident.
I'll draw up a report right away.
Everything you need so your own team can build a case.
I believe we've done our part.
All of you will continue your work, and you will find who killed my son.
Until then no one is leaving.
Cam, this is Officer Zamaani.
He's gonna be working with us on the case.
Darius was my cousin.
This is the only reason I am assisting with an illegal investigation.
See here? these are all the crime scene photos taken the day the body was found.
And there's clearly evidence of scuff marks and blood spatter all over the stairs.
Right, there's no forced entry.
I can see why they ruled this an accident.
Thank you.
We are as thorough and as professional as you Americans.
So what can you tell us about Darius? Darius was a good man.
He was smart, handsome.
My uncle was very proud of him.
Did you know that he drank alcohol? Unfortunately, many young Iranians today drink.
Because of American movies.
You drink? I do not disobey the law, I enforce it.
Did Darius have a girlfriend? No.
He was too busy.
He spent many hours at his job.
Darius worked at the bank, right? Yes.
His father placed him in a very prestigious bank.
Wait a second.
This picture right here.
The doorknob.
Where does that door lead to? What part of the house? That was, uh, Darius' home office.
What did they miss? No.
No, I assure you.
I checked that room myself.
No blood.
That right? Take a look closer, huh? Look at all the other doorknobs here.
They got fingerprints on it.
This one here? It's been wiped clean.
So the question is what did the killer want that was in that room? That room was Darius' office, right? Yes.
Right, I'm gonna have to go talk to the people he worked with at the bank.
Agent Booth, this is Omid Turan.
The president of Eram Bank.
Also an old family friend.
Majid, do you understand the danger you are putting me in by getting this American involved? All right, look, Mr.
Turan, I'm not looking to get anybody thrown in jail here.
That's why we're here after hours.
People could think there is a problem at the bank.
This is a very proud institution.
I understand that, but still Darius was murdered.
And we need your help.
Please, Omid? Darius was a good worker.
He would put in 60, 70 hours between Saturday and Thursday.
Did you see Darius last Thursday? On Thursday Darius and I talked before he left for home.
I told him to leave his concerns at the bank.
But he would worry about his work.
What was he worried about? There was a contractor.
Darius had denied him a loan for a construction project.
Darius said the man had threatened him.
Omid, why am I only now hearing this? I did not think it was serious, but now Okay, look.
I'm gonna need that contractor's file.
I'm also gonna need Darius', uh, work computer and all of his files.
Mommy, what day will Daddy be home? Soon, I hope.
You always tell me to be precise.
'Soon' is not precise.
I know, sweetheart, but right now 'soon' is the best I can offer.
Daddy? W-Wait No, Christine, wait.
Oh, hello, there.
I thought you were my dad.
Really? Uh, can I help you? My name's Jimmy, and what was your name, little girl? I don't tell my name to strangers.
I tell strangers that my daddy works for the FBI.
Smart kid.
She takes after her mother.
Finish packing up your backpack, sweetheart.
We're gonna leave in a minute.
I was hoping to speak with your husband.
Why? I'm here to collect on a debt.
I'm sure he'd like to settle to avoid me coming around again.
If you send an invoice for whatever it's f I thought you said you were the smart one.
Are you talking about a gambling debt? Your husband lost big on a double or nothing.
It happens.
It was on a baseball game, wasn't it? Two days ago.
Since it seems he's avoiding his obligations, he should know that his debt could become your responsibility.
You need to leave.
Leave this property now or I'm calling the police.
This is my number.
Why don't you give me a call as soon as you have the money? Otherwise, I'm gonna have to drop by again, and you don't want that kind of stress being pregnant and all.
The bone scans Arastoo sent were perfect.
The replicas I'm printing are exact duplicates.
Hey, sweetie, where have you been? I started printing out the bones almost an hour ago.
I had to drop off Christine at my dad's! What, no day care today? The reason she's with my dad is not important.
Really? 'Cause the crazy, worried expression on your face is singing a whole different tune.
We have a case to solve.
Unless you want Arastoo and Cam to stay over there forever.
And Booth.
And Booth.
Blunt force trauma to the left temporal, partially obscured by predation.
I entered the fracture pattern into the computer.
Whatever hit the victim was multifaceted and definitely not a common object like a hammer or a tire iron.
Also impact fractures to the right and left ulna and radius bones, ribs and left clavicle.
Arastoo sent me a splinter from the wound to the clavicle.
It's poplar, most likely from the staircase in the house.
Which leads us to the last and most horribly awful set of injuries that Arastoo noted in his report.
Half a dozen strikes extending over the whole body with some sort of V-shaped blunt force instrument.
Yeah, Arastoo thought the victim may have been beaten by a metal two-by-four, the kind used in framing a house.
Possible, but at this point, to name the weapon would be pure supposition.
Maybe, but Booth's trying to track down a suspect who's a contractor.
And apparently, the guy has a record for almost beating a man to death last year.
I don't know, is it me, or does he just look guilty and scared? Stand down.
Don't worry.
He's CIA? No, no, no, no, no.
No, I'm not CIA.
You tell him I'm not CIA.
I'm here to ask him questions.
I'm doing things by the law only.
He understands.
And he's ready to cooperate.
Tell him that we know that he threatened Darius, that Darius' neighbors saw his truck at the house the day of the murder.
He says he went to visit Darius in order to bribe him but didn't meet.
I believe him, tell him that.
Tell him I believe him.
Tell him.
Okay, okay.
He says, uh, that Darius argued with a blonde-haired foreign woman who left his house very angry.
Blonde, well, she would definitely stand out.
Someone must have seen that.
All right, well, that's a start.
Do you want me to ask him anything else? No, I don't want you to ask him anything else.
We're done here.
Hey, so Hodgins will just be a second.
He's just going through the evidence you overnighted.
How are you guys holding up? We're doing okay.
Uh, no, we're not.
It's crazy.
We're being watched all the time.
So no time for summer romance then? Well, premarital sex is punishable by 100 lashes, so Lashes? The Law of Hodoud is rarely enforced.
And 'rarely' is good enough for you? Look, I know you blame me for coming to Iran in the first place.
And I'm sorry it's come to this.
But if I hadn't come, my brother would be dead.
No, I know, I know.
I just want us to have our life back.
We will.
And I'll risk a lash to convince you.
Hey, hey, hey, stop.
- Okay, we do have a murder.
- Right.
So I was combing over the victim's clothing, and I found several blonde hairs.
Also there's traces of vaginal fluid transferred onto his underwear.
Oh, okay, well, Dad's not gonna be happy about that.
- What about the phone? - It was repaired.
We'll upload the memory so you can have access.
Hey, so I know what fed on the victim.
Canis familiaris.
- A dog? - Specifically, a dachshund.
A wiener dog ate the victim? Yeah, two of them, actually-- they were bred for hunting, so for them, the victim was a, was a victory dinner.
Dogs in Iran are considered ritually unclean.
They're rare, mostly brought in by foreigners.
Yeah, and from what I've read, dogs need their own passports.
So we might be looking for a blonde woman with two wiener dogs.
I'll tell Booth.
I was told not to bother you, but I thought that you'd want to know.
The CIA and the FBI are working on a plan 'B' to get Booth, Cam and Arastoo out of Iran.
So you interrupted my work on plan 'A' to tell me there may be a plan 'B.
' I'm sorry, I just wanted to do something.
I didn't want to feel quite as useless as I am right now.
I understand how you feel.
So far the only thing I've been able to determine is the victim wasn't beaten with a steel two-by-four.
So what was he hit with? I don't know.
I feel like the answer's in front of me, but, um, for some reason, I'm unable to focus.
Because you're worried about Booth? Yes.
But not because he's in Iran.
You want me to elaborate.
Only if you want to.
Typically, when I have a personal issue, I turn to Angela for advice, but then you were the one that said that Booth shouldn't go undercover to that poker game because he's an addict.
You said there would be consequences.
So Booth is gambling again? A man came by the house.
He gave me this card.
He said Booth owed him $30,000.
And then he made thinly veiled threats to me and Christine.
Did you tell Booth about any of this? Not when he's in Iran.
Till he gets back, I'll look into this Jimmy guy.
It's not your problem, Aubrey.
It is if I can help.
Hey, now I don't feel so useless.
I tracked her down through the passports for her dogs, both dachshunds.
Oksana Kozlov, blonde.
She's an executive for a Russian oil company.
Well, I'm gonna need those dogs.
There might be evidence in them or on them.
She shipped them back to Russia two days ago.
I demand to be told what I am doing here.
Why are we not at the police station? You're here because we know your little canine comrades snacked on a murder victim by the name of Darius Namazi.
We also have a witness who saw you fight with Darius the day he died.
Did you try to leave the country? It is not what you think.
Darius and I We were in love.
Really? Yeah? Because Darius' family has no idea who the hell you are.
Because he knew his father would not approve of him sleeping with a woman who was not Iranian.
Are you saying he disregarded religious law? I am saying he was a reformer.
How about the fight you had the day he was killed? It was after work.
I found him alone.
He had been drinking.
He was afraid.
When I tried to get him to tell me what was the matter, Darius refused.
Said it was too dangerous.
But I wanted to help.
I demanded he tell me.
He yelled at me.
We fought.
And he told me to leave.
That's the last time I saw him.
No, you lie! Stop.
After you left, what happened? Nothing, I didn't hear from him, so I came back to the house on Monday to apologize.
That's when I found Darius and the dogs.
It was terrible.
I shipped the dogs home so they wouldn't be killed.
But Darius I loved him.
Agent Booth.
I have reviewed Vaziri's work so far.
The initial report was right.
My son was a drunk, a fornicator.
He was a traitor to his own government.
Even in death, he was eaten by an unclean animal.
He was also murdered.
This investigation is over.
You and your friends are free to leave.
Guys, change of plans.
Pack up whatever you need, I want to get out of here in five, let's go.
Wait, are you serious? We can't just leave.
Wh-What about what Angela found on the victim's phone? We're so close to catching the murderer.
What are you talking about? Angela recovered a text alert from a security company that was monitoring your son's laptop.
The text said someone was trying to access Darius' laptop.
And this was after he was dead.
The killer must have stolen the computer from his home office.
Right, and then wiped the prints from the door.
Was Angela able to track down who it was? No.
I'm not going to waste any more time on this.
Why not? Because your son drank? Because he fell in love with a woman you disapprove of? I'm not surprised you defend him.
In the eyes of Allah, you're also a disgrace.
How dare you.
I will not let him say another word against you.
You don't even know Arastoo.
And yet you condemn him? You don't see what he does every day to uphold the pillars of your religion.
Prayers, fasting, giving to the needy.
The only acts of defiance he's ever committed have been in the name of love.
So I don't care what you do to me, I will not listen to you judge him.
The Koran says, 'Allah is best aware of him who strayeth from his way, and he is best aware of those who walk aright.
' It's not for us to hold ourselves above the Prophet.
Only God is allowed to judge.
Our job is to show compassion and mercy.
Namazi, if you take away the threat of imprisonment, we promise we will see this through.
Jimmy Kosinski.
Wow, I'm surprised that you had the nerve to use your actual name on your business card there.
Well, I find it helps so people know what to call me.
Okay, look, Jimmy, I just want to be clear with you.
You stay away from Booth and his family.
Agent Aubrey let me put forth a hypothetical situation.
Suppose I were a bookie and an FBI agent owed me, say, $30,000.
You'd have me just forget about the debt? I'd say you'd have to be an idiot not to.
And what do you think the FBI would do if information about this hypothetical debt were made public? Say to a newspaper? My guess is, the FBI would immediately revoke the agent's top secret clearance, possibly even make an example out of him and fire him.
You do realize that you're talking about blackmail.
No, I'm talking hypotheticals.
But when you think about it, $30,000 really isn't that much.
Not when you consider the alternatives.
Brennan, this blunt force trauma injury to the left temporal bone is unlike any I've ever seen.
Angela already ran the fracture pattern through the computer.
It doesn't correspond to any commonly known blunt force weapons.
Which means we should look at the crime scene photos in case the victim was struck with an uncommon item, like a small statue or some piece of furniture.
Nothing like that will correlate to the injury in question.
But you haven't even looked at the photos.
But I did closely examine the fracture to the victim's left proximal tibia.
It's an impact fracture.
So what? It's the same as a dozen others caused by the fall down the stairs.
Except the other fractures from the stairs occurred mediolaterally.
This indirect fracture was the result of a pulled ligament.
Which would only happen if the victim had been moved.
And if the victim was moved, that means that the victim's house may not be the actual scene of the crime.
Where's Booth? Did you track down whoever stole the victim's laptop? Yeah, from the IP address where this guy tried to access the computer.
Uh, his name is Sanjar Zamaani.
That's the victim's cousin.
Hey, where's the laptop? What? I don't know what you're talking about.
No, no.
I know you stole it.
You tried to access it from here.
Get out! How dare you accuse me? Okay! Okay, I admit it.
I took the computer.
But I only did it to protect him.
Protect him from who? From my uncle, his father.
If he looked at Darius' laptop, he would see the e-mails between Darius and that Russian woman.
Russian woman? Get up here.
You knew about her the whole time? Yes, I knew everything.
Uh, the drinking, the woman, even that Darius was on the Internet advocating for women's rights and freedom of speech.
I knew how ashamed my uncle would be.
I took the computer so he would never find out.
What would your uncle do if he found out? Sanjar.
Agent Booth, we need to get you out of here.
Someone has called into the station and told the general about everything you have been doing.
How much time? One hour at most.
After that, you and your friends could be thrown in prison.
Are you into the victim's computer? Uh, yeah.
But the bad news is, Booth says we only have 15 minutes before the police shut this whole thing down.
Hey, what about the cousin's claim that Darius was working to make Iran a democracy? Well, that seems to be true.
The computer was set up to get around all the government filters so he can access Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr The government's pretty strict, so it's certainly a motive.
You know, his father is part of the government.
Darius would have been an embarrassment.
Wait a minute.
You think that his father killed him? I'm just saying Well, then, why kidnap Arastoo to help solve the crime? Maybe he just wanted to find out if there was enough evidence to tie him to the murder.
And as soon as they started finding evidence, he shut down the investigation.
Vaziri, take a look at the V-shaped fracture to the left tibia.
I've looked at him over and over.
What does it matter? Because he was killed on a staircase.
Oh, come on, Bones, even you said he was killed and was brought back to his own house and pushed down the stairs.
The fractures weren't caused by a weapon.
They were caused by falling against steps, but not the rounded steps at the victim's house.
These had squared-off edges.
Wait, so he was killed on one staircase, then later pushed down a second? It's the perfect way for the killer to cover up the crime.
Also, look at the angle of each strike.
The victim didn't just tumble down the stairs.
He rolled in a curved trajectory.
So we're looking for a grand staircase like the one in the victim's house.
But with steps made from something harder than wood.
The bank where Darius worked! The-the, the staircase is made out of marble and it's curved.
Would that cause the injuries? Well, yes.
I'll do the calculations and send you the measurements to match.
I was just watching you guys in my office.
Did you say something about 'bank,' Booth? Because I just decrypted something on Darius' computer.
Have you guys come across someone named Omid Turan? That's the president of the bank.
Uh, well, he's also an embezzler.
Darius was compiling evidence against him.
So Omid is our killer.
We got him.
He must be the one that called the police and shut us down.
Police! Police! Oh, my God.
Booth! Hooshmand, what are you doing here? My men and I are here to protect you from the police.
I told Danny I would keep you safe, so I keep you safe.
Was it worth it? We can finally arrest a murderer.
Is that worth it? Huh? All right.
Thank you.
This is easily the best tea I have ever had.
The secret is rose petals.
They put a pinch in every cup.
Well, I expect you to make this for me every morning.
I will send you some.
So, Mr.
Namazi, I have to ask, uh, now that you know more about your son, do you still disapprove of the life he was living? Yes.
Because in the eyes of Allah, Darius was not a good Muslim.
I still mourn his loss because I loved my son.
I know this trip was difficult, to say the least, but if you allow me, I would like a chance to apologize and show you my gratitude.
That's, uh really very kind of you, but you see, we have a plane to catch.
And I'm sure you understand that we-we don't want to miss that, so Hooshmand should be here soon, so Actually, uh, we'll meet you at the airport.
What, you want to risk getting into more trouble? No, we've got to say good-bye to his brother.
I cannot believe you are here in Tehran.
And you really came all the way just for this fool? Hey, be nice.
All I am saying-- I feel like she could do better.
I'll-I'll keep that in mind.
He did make sure I lived, so maybe he's not that big of a fool.
High praise.
Maybe the next time I see you, it's in the United States.
Say, at a wedding.
I would like that.
Hamid, I'm sorry, but we're gonna have to leave if we're going to make it to the airport.
Then let's make sure this moment lasts until the next time, huh? Hello.
Hey, it's me.
Is everything okay? Did you give Jimmy the money? I'm meeting him in a half an hour.
Listen, I wanted to let you know that I talked to Booth's ex-bookie, Jason Samuels.
Does Booth owe him money, as well? No.
Samuels said that Booth called him and tried to place a bet, but Samuels refused to take it, which is probably why Booth turned to Jimmy.
The reason why Booth did what he did is not important to me.
All I care is that the debt is paid and that Christine and I are safe.
All right.
Consider it done.
Oh, I have to go.
Booth is here.
- Thank you, Aubrey.
- Hello? Hi.
It's it's good to see you.
Oh, yeah, so good to see you.
Look at that.
Where's Christine? She sleeping? No.
I mean, I-I don't know.
She's with my dad.
Oh! Well, that's good.
A little time for ourselves.
First, I want to say how proud I am of you.
For helping Arastoo and Cam and your bravery in confronting the authorities in the Islamic Republic.
Everything okay, Bones? No.
Before you left, you asked me a question about a surgical procedure common to baseball players.
Um, okay why are we talking about baseball? I just I just got home.
Let's make a drink or something.
I need to know why you asked me that question.
What? Come on.
Are you serious? That was like a week ago.
Please, just answer my question, Booth.
I don't know.
Just was, uh just wanted to have a conversation, you know? I was curious.
Are you gambling? I need you to tell me the truth.
Because without the truth, we have nothing.
So, please are you? No, I'm not.
Jimmy, your bookie, came here.
I paid him everything you owe.
Jimmy? What-what do you mean? You paid Jimmy? I need you to leave.
No, no.
No, no.
Look, I'm sorry.
What happened, it was just, it was just a mistake, all right? Look, I made one bet.
That was it.
No, it wasn't! Why are you still lying?! I'm not lying, okay? Look All right, look, I'm sorry, okay? Let me fix this.
Bones, please.
Just let me fix this, okay? I'm sorry.
I-I messed up.
I-I wasn't thinking.
Just hear me out on this.
I'm sorry.
Look at me.
Look, I love you.
I don't believe you.
Not now.
What's that mean?

Bones Booth Start Gambling Again

Booth and Brennan investigate when a yoga instructor whose past includes a stint in prison is found after a forest fire. The team must look at both parts of his life in order to track down his.

What Episode Of Bones Does Booth Start Gambling Again

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  2. Booth's Gambling Addiction Bones EP Stephen Nathan talks Booth's gambling, teases 'emotional' Bones - Season 10, Episode 15 (Review) - Powered By Osteons 'Bones' Season 10 Spoilers: Special Agent Seeley Joseph Booth is a Special Agent with the FBI and the current FBI liaison to the Jeffersonian.