Cons Of Legalizing Sports Gambling

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  1. Pros And Cons Of Legalizing Sports Gambling
  2. Sports Gambling Legalization
  3. Sports Gambling Pros And Cons
  4. Pros And Cons Of Legalizing Sports Betting
  5. Cons Of Legalizing Sports Gambling
Pro (for)
Con (against)

May 23, 2018  The legalization of sports betting has a similar feel to marijuana legalization, as hot button issues that have become socially acceptable. For years general gambling and marijuana. PRO: Legalized gaming generates $16 billion a year in Canada, according to the latest economic impact research by the gaming association, a source of revenue that has almost tripled since 1995. The Pros and Cons of Legalization of Sports Betting in the US. August 10, 2019. In Blockchain Analyzes & Reviews, Cryptocurrency News. After PASPA (Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act) was struck down in 2018 by the United States Supreme Court, it is no surprise that discussions over the pros and cons of such a decision. Editor's note: Part 1 of ESPN's future of sports betting series focused on the paths to legalization in the United States and what the resulting marketplace could look like. Part 2 looked at.

Pros And Cons Of Legalizing Sports Gambling

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Sports Gambling Legalization

Voting Style:OpenPoint System:7 Point
Updated:8 years agoStatus:Post Voting Period
Viewed:6,896 timesDebate No:16142
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I will debate the sports gambling should be legalized in all states of U.S.A. Sports Gambling will include all sports regardless of professional or amateur status.


At the first part of my agreement, I would like to ask if sports gambling legalized in all states of U.S.A, what people have the right to gamble? Adult, or teenagers? I assume Adult and teenagers, who above 16 , have the right to gamble.
I am against the statement .From my point of view, the legality of the gambling could have a serious consequences for the future of the economies and the moral standard.
It is a bad policy that it is a blow to the whole economic growth, and an even bigger blow to the banking system. Since consider the issue of bad debt, the compulsive gambler always have debts loaned from the bank or shark loan. .Because of their loan are huge and they are the compulsive gambler, their repaid ability is so low that cause the issue of uncollected debts. Compulsive gamblers is defined as a type of people can't control the impulse to gamble, even when they know their gambling is hurting themselves or their loved ones.
Furthermore, most of the compulsive gambler will then turn to crime when he bankrupt. Embezzlement, theft, and involvement in organized crime is a common cases , we can see in the reality.
Another basic argument of sports gambling legalized opposite site is that how sports gambling has affected the integrity of the game. Illegal sports gambling has already affect the justice of the game. If we legalize the sports gambling, it is predicted that the matters will deteriorate rapidly in the future. Past scandals at Boston College or Tulane illustrate this will surely affect the integrity of athletes and coaches. From my point of view, I really don't want to see 'matching fixing' is in the headlines everyday.
The social cost of gambling legalized like what Boydon Cole and Sidney Margolius said in their book, When You Gamble--You Risk More Than Your Money, conclude: 'There is no doubt of the destructive effect of gambling on the family life. The corrosive effects of gambling attack both the white-collar and blue-collar families with equal vigor.'
All in all, it can be said that the cost of sports gambling legalized is so large for the society to bear.And why should we legalize the sports gambling in disregard of other people's opinion?


I thank my opponent for this debate and will begin by addressing the questions presented with regard to age. All persons that are 21 or older would have the right to gamble as currently is the case in Las Vegas.
As with politicians and the main stream media, compulsive gambling is often presented as a reason as to why legalized gambling should not be allowed. However, only 5 to 8% of gamblers become compulsive gamblers. ( In Canada, problem gambling is at 3.25% of the gambling population and in Australia 0.5% of the gambling population are considered to be problem gamblers. ( Looking at the statistics in the worst light possible it can be stated that 90% of gamblers are not problem gamblers. There is no accurate data available to substantiate the argument that problem gamblers turn to crime. Although no 'official' or accurate records exist with regard to the number of alcoholics in the U.S., depending on the source the percentages cited are between 3-8%. Gambling poses no greater threat to society than alcohol use.
Match fixing and sports gambling scandals are far and few between, with less than 20 sports betting scandals taking place that are worth mentioning since the 1919 Black Sox Scandal. ( Additionally, the scandals at Boston College and Tulane involved point shaving. An easy work around to cut off any such scandals from happening should sports betting be legalized is to not allow bets on the point spread. A bettor can simply wager for a team to win or lose. If one were to combine all the individual games played during a professional and amateur sports during a calendar year, there are well over 3,000 games played each year, yet betting scandals are far and few between. I fail to see how legalizing sports gambling in all states would lead to an increase in betting scandals. Stating that an increase would exist would be conjecture at best.
With regard to economic impact and growth, horse racing is legal in the United States in 43 states, generating annual gross revenues of approximately $3.25 billion. In Canada , the net economic benefit of gambling produced $3.044 billion in 1995. Australia's gambling industry produces approximately $5.5 billion the GDP. ( Gross revenue for Nevada's sports books was $151.1 million in 2010. While more than $2.76 billion was wagered in 2010, more than 94 percent of all bets placed were returned to patrons in winnings. ( The state of New Jersey has been looking into legalizing sports gambling for quite some time finding that sports betting could become a $10 billion dollar per year industry that could generate $100 million in tax revenues per year. ( Delaware fought hard to legalize sports gambling before being defeated in their efforts after finding that $55 million per year in profit would be generated for the state. (
Political opponents of legalized sports betting also point to the immorality and social consequences of gambling. However lotteries in the United States are run by 46 jurisdictions; 43 states, plus the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands. States run lotteries because they generate a massive amount of income. Horse racing is a sport and is legal in 43 states. It seems that gambling in general and sports gambling are not immoral and have no negative impact on society as long as it's run by the government.
With regard to public opinion, 53% of voters in New Jersey are in favor of legalizing sports gambling in the state ( It is my position that those opposed to legalizing sports gambling is due to the misinformation being provided by politicians and the main stream media specifically, the misinformation that my opponent is using in this debate such as the negative economic impact, the integrity of sports being threatened and issues with problem gamblers which I feel has been disproven.


michaeltang12 forfeited this round.


I thank my opponent for this debate.


This is because all operating systems for mobile have web browser apps, and that helps ensure that players from all types of devices and operating systems are able to get in on the action.In essence, since the sites become full screen anyway, it gives you an experience that’s just as good while keeping the compatibility issue from holding you back. These are called native OS apps, and while this approach is popular for a lot of other types of mobile software, it’s actually the least popular option in the online gambling world.Virtually all of our top recommended suggestions are based around mobile web options instead. Free gambling online casino

michaeltang12 forfeited this round.


Victory be default.


michaeltang12 forfeited this round.


Kindly vote for Pro.


michaeltang12 forfeited this round.

Sports Gambling Pros And Cons

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Pros And Cons Of Legalizing Sports Betting

Reasons for voting decision: Had better conduct, had sources, and arguments stood unchallenged

Cons Of Legalizing Sports Gambling

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