Elephant Fairy Samurai Jack

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Ah, yes. Hello. I was just watching Samurai Jack last season last night and this suddenly popped in my head. Let's see how good am I at writing in cartoon genre.

  1. Samurai Jack Elephant Fairy
  2. Samurai Jack Aku's Fairy Tales
  3. Samurai Jack Movie
  4. Elephant Fairy Samurai Jack

By the way, all Jashi fanfic (cause I only had read them) in this section are so good! I feel like a little duck among gooses.

  1. Directed by Genndy Tartakovsky. With Phil LaMarr, Mako, Jeff Bennett, Grey Griffin. Samurai Jack has become a popular folk hero amongst little children, so Aku decides to spread his own kind of fairy tales that put Jack in a bad light.
  2. Samurai Jack/Image Gallery Samurai Jack. History Comments Share. 'Aku's Fairy Tales' Season 2 Ep 1.: 'Jack Learns to Jump Good' Sound Ideas, WHINE, CARTOON - SHELL SCREAMING WHINE DOWN. Elephant Single Clas AT043701 (high pitch) Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - HIT AND WIGGLE.

『サムライジャック』 (Samurai Jack) は、カートゥーン ネットワークオリジナルのアメリカのテレビアニメ。原作・監督はゲンディ・タルタコフスキー 。 本格的なアクションと人死にありのシリアスな作風でカートゥーン界に革新を起こした、2000年代のCNを代表するアニメのひとつ。. Samurai Jack's worst fear is realized when he faces off against Aku, and the demon makes a shocking discovery about Ashi that puts her in grave danger. EP 10 CI The fate of the entire universe hangs in the balance as Samurai Jack faces Aku in the final showdown between good versus evil.

Samurai Jack © Genndy Tartakovsky

It was already miles away from the spring Ashi bathed before. Now she just walked straight ahead from the last direction given by the rave children. She is now in a quite peaceful village with children running around while laughing. Some women were washing clothes. The men were not present, probably working or.. enslaved by Aku.

If not for her pursue for Jack, she would like to stay here for a while.

'Aku, you will not claim another innocent!'

Ashi gasped and snapped her head to her right. She could swear she heard his voice, albeit a bit.. raspy?

'My quest has ended. I will now travel back to my own time and undo the evil that Aku has done.'

His quest has ended? What does he mean? Did he defeat Aku just now? Where?


'And that's the tale of The Mighty Samurai, children.'

.. What?

Ashi walked slowly to where the voice came from and found an elder surrounded by children below a big and shady tree. They looked so happy. Remembering the previous decimated villages she saw with Jack, it was so soothing seeing some people can still smile genuinely in this despicable world.

'He's so cool, Grandpa!' one of the children cheered.

The elder smiled. 'Yes, my child. From the medias and stories I heard from people who have seen him, he is so great.'

'You're also so good at imitating him before!'

'Yeah, my grandma always said that you do the best imitation of him!'

'I want to hear it again!'

'Yes, yes! Do it again!'

'Ahahah.. okay, okay, my child. Ahem.' The elder coughed. 'Aku, you will not claim another innocent!'

Ashi widened her eyes in surprise and lowered her head in disappointment. After she thought she had found Jack…


The girl rubbed her stomach. Thinking that she could use some rest and some info around the samurai, she approached the group.

'Yeah, that's it!'

'Oooh, so cool, Grandpa Phil!'

'I want to meet him too!'

'Excuse me,'

The elder―Phil―and the children turned to look at Ashi. Some looked at her weirdly. Ashi slowly raised her right hand and waved it. That was a friendly gesture, right?

'Yes, Miss?' Phil asked her.

'I.. couldn't help but be curious with your stories before, sir,' Ashi rubbed her right arm. 'Were you telling stories about The Samurai?'

'Yes, I was telling the children tales about him.' Phil replied with a smile. 'Would you like to listen as well, Miss?'

Ashi nodded quickly and sat behind the children with her legs folded to the side. Some children were still staring at her, now with a curious look. A girl beside her touched Ashi's arm, making Ashi turned to her.

'Miss, where did you find this kind of clothes?' she asked.

'Real leaves, man!'

'Looks like those Bell from Peter Pan stories wore!'

'Aren't you cold in that, Miss?'

'Children, please,' Phil stopped their questions. 'Now, which tale should I tell you, Miss? Hmm..'

One of the children raised his hand enthusiastically.

'Tell her the story you tell with your friends when you were trapped by Aku, Phil!'

Samurai Jack Elephant Fairy

'Right, that one! The one when he turned into big black dragon!'

'Tell her, Grandpa!'

'Alright, I will tell you the story I told other children back in my day.' Phil coughed. 'On a misty night..'

Jack climbed a huge castle, only to be greeted by an eight foot six arms mute guard. He sliced every robotic arm with such an ease even when the guard attacked him with six spiked clubs. After the samurai left the guard to explode, he continued his journey. With his hair messed up and grabbed his sword by his teeth, he climbed to the top of the castle.

When he reached the top, Aku creepily crept out from the shadow. However, Jack could sense him and avoid Aku's attack. They stared sharply at each other for a while. Jack raised his sword, while Aku prepared his attack. Then, they fight―

'No, not yet,'

An elder with white spiky hair came from behind Ashi. He smiled and continued the story.

'You're a threat to the land with your evil. Prepare to meet your doom!' Jack pointed at the Shogun of Sorrow.

'You are truly powerful samurai, but no match for my evil wizardry!' Aku replied with rage in his tone.

Aku quickly turned into a huge dark dragon-like creature and let out huge flames from his mouth. However, he is no match for Jack's samurai skill. Aku tried to bite Jack with his big mouth and big teeth, but the samurai always successfully avoided his attacks. At the end of the fight, Jack raised his sword high and sliced Aku with a single mighty blow.

'My quest has ended. I will now travel back to my own time and undo the evil that Aku has done.' Jack said as he put his sword back to his scabbard.

'The end!' The children ended his story with a loud cheer.

'Still telling the children stories, aren't you, Phil.' The elder with spiky hair grinned and walked toward Phil.

'Have to cheer them up somehow,' Phil shrugged. 'Oh, right. Children, could you leave us for a moment?'

The children whined, but still followed his order. They got up and ran happily everywhere. Ashi also got up to her feet and going to walk away, but Phil asked her to stay.

'Tell me, Miss, are you a friend of the samurai?'

Ashi hesitated a while. She was asked this question before too. What should she answer? She's not exactly sure if she's Jack's friend, or just a travelling companion, or a student of him. No, she doesn't even sure that Jack looks at her that way. They're not that close, but they're not enemies anymore either. Different word for poker face.

'.. Acquaintance, I think.' Ashi finally answered.

The one elder with white spiky hair gasped.

'Her voice sounds like her, Phil.'

'Tara, you mean?'

'Yeah, your sweetheart.'

'You're truly evil to mention her, man. No wonder youarea used to be Aku when we were role playing Samurai Jack and Aku.'

'I always play Aku 'cause you guys never let me to play Jack!'

'So… what is it you wanted to talk to me?' Ashi interrupted them.

'Ah, yes, actually I just wanted to ask you that―'

'Because apparently your voice is similar to his late wife,' the spiky haired elder quickly added. 'He wants to know if there are more parallels between him and the samurai, besides the voice.'

'Aw, shush.' Phil hushed his friend. 'So, what's your purpose here in this small village, Miss?'

'I, uh, I'm in search for him,' Ashi reconsidered telling the elder her purpose. But, hey, what if he passed here? 'Do you see him passed through here?'

'Samurai Jack? Oooh, boy, if he passed through here, we would definitely know, Miss.' Phil nodded. 'Unfortunately, no, he didn't come here.'

Ashi lowered her head with a sad look. Suddenly, one of the children tugged her dress and looked at her with a big smile.

'Would you join us on our feast, Miss.. uh..'

Ashi smiled and squatted down to the same level as the child. Intertops casino bonus codes no deposit. 'Ashi. Call me Ashi.'

'Miss Ashi! Come join us!' the other child came and pulled Ashi's hand.

'Uh.. I'm not sure that I could..'

'It's okay! Just for a minute!'

While Ashi was being dragged by the children, the little girl who sat beside Ashi before walked towards Phil. She smiled sweetly and whispered something to him. Phil smiled and nodded.

'Bring me a tape then, little girl.'


Ashi bowed at Phil and the children when they finished the feast. Walking away from the village with a little box Phil gave her as a parting gift, she continued her search for Jack.

However, she couldn't ignore what Phil said when he gave that box.

'May you find what you search here.'

What she was searching? They already know that it was Jack, but there is no way Jack is inside the box, right?

Her curiosity took the best of her. She opened the box and found a tape recorder and a letter. Written on it was:

A little missy who sat beside you asked me a favor. She told me that your eyes sparkled when I told you the story about the samurai. She asked me to record my imitation of him for you. Next time you come here, let me know what you think about it. Personally, I think that might be what he thinks about you. You're a good woman, Miss Ashi. May happiness come to you like me and my wife.

- Phil

'What does that even mean?' Ashi tried to play the tape by pushing every button on it.

A voice that suddenly came from the device made her jolted a bit. After hearing the recording, Ashi smiled and let out a grateful sigh. Some droplets poured from the sky not too long after. Without further ado, she searched for something to cover her from the pouring rain..

.. and dropped the tape somewhere.

She just realized that miles later, but she wouldn't forget the recording and what Phil wrote: what Jack might think of her. One sentence that made her confident about that one thing.

'You're my friend, Ashi…'


'Where have you gone through your search for me?' Jack asked Ashi as they walked through a forest.

'Well, I passed lot of villages, meet lot of people you've saved, like the woolies, archers, and the rave children. Oh, I remember walking down here before too!' Ashi touched the big-grown leaves surround them. 'I don't know that there is another samurai besides you and there's another one who's looking for the greatest warrior―'

'Hm? What is this?'

Jack sensed something hard against his geta on the ground and it's not rock. He grabbed a little rectangular-shaped thing half buried in the ground. Ashi approached him and looked at the thing. She recognized the thing and gasped.

It was the tape recorder.

'Oh, yes, I passed through a peaceful village where one of the villagers could imitate your voice. He gave this to me,' Ashi took the tape and played it. 'It makes me more confident about my role to you.'

'You're my friend, Ashi…'

Jack chuckled. 'Yes, you are my friend. I already refer you as an ally when we went to save the children―'

'.. I love you.'


Both of them stopped everything they were doing, they could swear they even stopped breathing for a minute. Hearing his voice saying those three words made the samurai a blushing mess, like a red ripe tomato. His mind tried to think of something and end this awkward silence, while Ashi turned her face away from him.

'.. as a friend.' Jack smiled awkwardly.

'I know, I know. Thank you, Jack,' Ashi tapped his shoulder, also with a shade of red still on her face. 'I was just.. surprised as well. I didn't hear that last bit last time.'

Jack just laughed a little, followed along by Ashi. Realizing there is a more important matter at hand, they continued their journey. They walked together side by side, until they arrived at the desert, slowly forgetting the tape.

Little did they know, they will say and hear those words to each other in a near future.

Yeah, this was inspired from that Aku's Fairytale or something episode. The name Phil is canon because somebody did call the child imitating Jack that, I dunno if it's just an easter egg or something, because Phil might be taken from Jack's VA, Phil Lamaar.

Then I thought, 'Hey, let's make a parallel between the child and Jack more. His wife would be already dead and her name is taken from Ashi's VA.' and that's where the name Tara came from. Can't find a fitting name for the Aku boy though, hahahaha.

Thanks for reading and good day.


Go To

Season 1

The Beginning

  • In England, Jack shoots the coin purse from a wealthy traveler's belt. Allowing for the differences in art styles, the traveler and his horse are dead ringers for the ones in Robin Hood Daffy.

The First Fight

  • Two of the talking dogs resemble Big Dog and Little Dog from 2 Stupid Dogs.
  • The city the dogs rediscovered is apparently Townsville from The Powerpuff Girls. Their mayor even looks like The Mayor as a puffy dog.
  • The draft animal like a horse with compound eyes and heavy tail is a clear reference to Ookla's equarse from Thundarr the Barbarian.

Jack Under the Sea

Jack and the Scotsman

  • A reference to Aladdin occurs when Jack and the Scotsman are attacked by bounty hunters, and they both simultaneously say to each other:
    'They're after me! They're after you?! They're after me!'

Jack and the Gangsters

  • The mobsters are meant to resemble the Ant Hill Mob of Wacky Races and The Perils of Penelope Pitstop.
    • Two of the gangsters look a lot like Mr. Brown and Mr. Pink.
  • The Three Elementals guarding the Neptune's Jewel are Earth, Wind & Fire.

Aku's Fairy Tales

  • The Big Bad Wolf is a shout-out to Yogi Bear, down to the sound effects and lusting for 'pikinik baskets'.
    • The wolf's voice is closer to that of another Hanna-Barbera character, Hokey Wolf, who was an impersonation of comedian Phil Silvers.
  • During 'Jack and the Three Bears', Jack is shown stealing a snow globe in the style of the Grinch. Bonus points for the snow globe being Christmas-themed.
  • Jack is shown going after the Three Little Pigs. He slashes a hole through the door with his sword and yells out, 'HERE'S JACKIE!'.
Jack and the Smackback
  • One of the champions in the Dome of Doom is named Mr. Roboto.

Samurai Jack Aku's Fairy Tales

Jack and the Scotsman II
  • The way haggis is described is a direct quote from Highlander.

Jack and the Ultra-Robots

  • The Ultra-Robots are plated with Adamantium.
  • The scientist who created them, Exdor, resembles Professor Frink, The Nutty Professor, and especially Dexter.
    • The giant cybernetic arm that Exdor gives to Jack is also reminiscent of an almost identical limb that Dexter gave his father to defeat a jerkass trucker in arm wrestling.

Jack Remembers the Past

  • We see a ronin and his child pushing a squeaky cart. The man places his child near Jack as he effortlessly kills a quartet of ninja, and we see that the father and son have the same look in their eyes. The ronin and son are none other than Ogami Ittō and his son Daigorō from Lone Wolf and Cub, and the ninja are of the Ura-Yagyu clan. The short fight leads to Jack wishing to become a samurai too.

Jack and the Farting Dragon

  • The Scissorsmith offers Jack the following advice:
    Scissorsmith: 'At the fork in the road, follow the rocky path! It will take you to the Dragon's Lair!'
    Jack: 'Where will the other one take me?'
    Scissorsmith: 'Space Ace!'
    (Cut to Jack's baffled face as a goofy sound effect plays)

Jack and the Hunters

  • The Imakandi, a group of alien hunters who pursue Jack, are a minor shout-out to Predator; they're aliens who thrive on the thrill of the hunt, and honor worthy opponents. The main difference though is that the Imakandi intend to capture Jack alive, rather than take trophies from his mutilated corpse.

Jack versus Demongo, The Soul Collector

  • Once Demongo is summoned, he exclaims to Aku: 'What is thy bidding, my mastah?'.
  • One of Demongo's warriors resemble one of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, just with a sumo wrestler outfit instead of a shell. Another one heavily resembles Lobo, and another looks like Marshal Law.

Jack is Naked

  • Planet of the Apes is referenced when Jack's clothes are stolen while he bathes in a lake beneath a waterfall, leaving him nearly naked.
  • At one point, Jack follows a white rabbit down a hole which leads to a fantastical, whimsical world. Does this even need a reference?
  • The odd, anthropomorphic elephant/fairy creature's design is a reference to Pompadour, from the Babar franchise.

Jack's Sandals

  • A reference to Sonic the Hedgehog; when Jack is running with a pair of blue sneakers, he leans forward, puts his arms behind his body, and his running motion forms an 8. And he's as fast as a car.
Season 3
The Good, the Bad, and the Beautiful
  • There's a scene between two characters credited as Quick Straw and Bubba Louis.

Jack and the Traveling Creatures

  • The Guardian is one big homage to Morpheus from The Matrix; his appearance, usage of a katana, and the way The Hero is reflected in his eyes, are all reminiscent of him. There's also a nod to the One (aka Neo).
    • If you get the Guardian of the Time Portal mad, he will go all blue Hulk on you!

Jack and the Creature

  • The Creature is based on Totoro.
  • The latest magic time-travel object is called 'The Crystal of Cagliostro'.

Jack and the Haunted House

  • This episode was a shout-out to the Fatal Frame franchise.

The Birth of Evil, Part 2

  • At one point, Jack's father rides a cloud much like a certain Saiyan did in his youth.note

Jack and the Labyrinth

  • The Thief resembles Daisuke Jigen from Lupin III, but with Lupin's personality.
Season 4
Robo-Samurai vs. Mondo-Bot
  • The Mondo-Bot seems to resemble Samus' Power Suit.

Samurai vs. Samurai

  • 'Da Samurai' looks like Sho'Nuff from The Last Dragon with a name change. He even says the word.
  • 'Da Samurai's theme is very similar to 'Flashlight' by Parliament.
  • The scene where Da Samurai keeps trying to provoke Jack into fighting him takes a lot from the opening scene of the pilot of Kung Fu; although it differs in that Jack, having demonstrated extraordinary patience, eventually goes ahead and grants him a (truly hilarious) Curb-Stomp Battle.

The Aku Infection

  • The three precious gems found by the miners highry resemble green rupees.

The Princess and the Bounty Hunters

  • None of the other bounty hunters realize that Princess Mira is a woman until she takes off her helmet. Not to mention she's a brunette, much like Samus was in the early years of Metroid.

The Scotsman Saves Jack

  • The bounty hunter that bothers the Scotsman at the beginning of the episode bears a striking resemblance to Greedo.
  • An old (and surprisingly cheerful) sailor tries to gull the Scotsman into hearing the Rime Of The Ancient Mariner. The Scotsman is having none of it, but apparently Jack enjoyed the tale before he got amnesia.
  • The Sirens look and sound like Destiny's Child.

Jack versus Aku

  • The martial arts duel taking place in the ruins of a classic gladiator arena. Is it Samurai Jack or Way of the Dragon we're watching? Jack even does some of the same warm-up routine as Bruce Lee does in the same movie.

Samurai Jack Movie

The Tale of X9

  • The X9 robots, including the title character, are a shout-out to the Terminator; they're an army of assassin androids made to help the Big Bad take over the world and wipe out any resistance. Bonus points for also resembling the T-800, right down to their eyecolor.
  • One of the scientists working on the X9 project resembles Dr. Eggman. His coworkers resemble Dr. Wily and.. Dr. Clayton Forrester.
  • The Emoji Family look very much like Stitch from Lilo & Stitch, complete with antennae, blue fur, and dog-like features.
    • They could also pass for members of the Andorian race, from Star Trek.
  • The dead souls heavily resemble the residents of Hell from Constantine.
  • Scaramouche the Merciless sounds like Sammy Davis Jr., plays a jazz flute a la Jethro Tull, and dresses like a mix of Alucard and Raiden.
  • Ashi, the only named member of the septuplets who make up the Daughters of Aku, looks like Princess Ilana right down to the voice, except with her hair dyed black.
    • Her color scheme is similar to that of Mavis, whose film she appeared in was directed by indeed the guy who created this very show!


  • Much of the episode takes place in agrave of the fireflies.
  • Jack's fight with the Daughters in the dark, only being illuminated by the flash of their weapons clashing, all in stark black and white, is a very Sin City-inspired scene.
  • The scene where the Daughters of Aku hunt down Jack hiding in a tomb among a sea of others is deliberately modeled after the 'Ecstasy of Gold' scene from The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.


  • The first half of the episode could be subtitled Lone Wolf and Cub.
  • The faces Jack's alter-ego makes gives off a bit of an Adventure Time vibe.
  • The hero is shivering cold with an ally not too far from him. He wakes to find that ally warming him up in some way. Are we talking about Kuzco with Pacha, or Jack with the Wolf?


  • The monster that swallows Jack and Ashi has a slight resemblance to Godzilla, especially with its last appearance showing only its jagged dorsal fins sinking into the water. The monster also uses a Godzilla roar (specifically the one from the 1998 film) when it first swallows them.
  • The very premise of the episode has a lot in common with Jabu Jabu's belly from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, what not with two individuals being stuck inside a massive beast.
  • The art style was based on Punch-Drunk Love.


  • The Scotsman's death and subsequent return as a blue ghost calls to mind of 'Force Ghosts' from Star Wars.
  • Jack and Ashi leave the island riding on a dragon similar to Haku.
  • The blue alien children heavily resemble Beast from X-Men: The Last Stand.
  • The Dominator has more than a passing resemblance to Sundowner and Moltar.
    • The Dominator tortures Ashi with bolts of electricity, similar to the way Emperor Palpatine tortures Luke Skywalker.


  • Following the Moltar-esque Dominator's appearance last episode, we see a Zorak look-alike walk past Ashi on the airship.
  • One of the talking dogs on the boat with Scaramouche looks like Astro. Another of them resembles the Big Dog from 2 Stupid Dogs.
  • The dress made from leaves that Ashi wears after washing off the ash that clung to her body is awfully similar to the outfit worn by Tinkerbell.
  • Ashi runs into a Popeye-like robot while visiting Da Samurai's tavern.
  • When Da Samurai talks about how he met Jack, Jack's card when he mentions him features his name written similarly to the logo for Super Fly.


Elephant Fairy Samurai Jack
  • The overall color setting and the use of orcs approaching was similar to that of Lord of the Rings.
    • On top of that, their Cockney-like accents hearken to the Orks of Warhammer 40,000, and the sword that the lead orc has is clearly modeled on the orc swords from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
  • When Ashi confronts the orc army, they all start laughing except for the ones way off near the back, who can't properly hear what's going on.
  • Toward the beginning of the fight, the rapid shots of Ashi's attacks on individual orcs — and knocking the teeth out of a few of them — bring the intro of The Powerpuff Girls to mind.
  • Ashi was beating towards the orcs in a very similar way to Star Wars: Clone Wars: Chapter 13, where Mace Windu battles the droids.
  • Jack meditates into a spiritual world while his love interest guards his immobile body and wards off assailants trying to kill him — a frequent occurrence on Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra.


  • The walrus-like merchant whom Jack buys some food from sounds alot likeDr. Zoidberg, and looks like Chumley.
    • .. or possibly Wally Walrus from Woody Woodpecker? His accent is more Swedish than Jewish.
  • It's not the first time Ashi interacts with someone who magically gets a talking fish head.
  • The device resembles the Grid Disc from TRON.
    • In one shot, Jack is shown fiddling with it almost exactly like Dexter with his remote.
  • When Jack and Ashi smooch each other, 'Everybody Loves Somebody' plays through the end credits.


  • Jack exiting the interior of a rotted-out bug carcass by kicking open a hollowed-out eye lens calls to mind a similar scene in Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind.
  • This is a little debatable, but when Jack goes to slice Aku after Ashi's revealed to be a true daughter of Aku, he hangs back and smiles as Ashi (albeit against her will) blocks Jack's attack. This seems somewhat similar to in Return of the Jedi, when Luke goes to strike the unflinching Emperor, but Vader blocks the strike.


Elephant Fairy Samurai Jack

  • Aku announcing to the world via TV screens that he will execute the captured Jack kinda echoes the final part in Batman: Arkham Knightwhen Scarecrow announces he will unmask Batman before executing him with an overdose of fear toxin, in words similar to Aku's: 'Don't you see, Gotham? You have no savior. No more hope. No - more - Batman! I've won.'
  • Jack fighting off the black Aku mass that is smothering him and taking control of Ashi looks kinda similar to when Daffy Duck tries fighting off the black screen frame to no avail in 'Duck Amuck'.
    • Ashi's final confrontation with Aku mirrors Raven's with Trigon in the Season 4 finale of Teen Titans, right down to the dialogue disowning him as her father. Both Ashi and Raven are voiced byTara Strong.
  • The fate of Ashi brings to mind the ending of Gurren Lagann, sans the coconut. Which is to say the hero and heroine have a wedding, but the heroine disappears, as the destroyed villain was the source of her existence. There's also the whole matter of the protagonist's love interest only sharing one on-screen kiss with him before her demise, the Love Confession coming out the final episode, being forced to wear a black skintight suit while controlled by evil, making sad glances at the protagonist that suggest she knows her end is near before he does, and someone being restrained to a rock by the villain in the finale, followed by an explosive defeat and a calm moment to collect one's thoughts after the battle is over. Lastly, both protagonists seem to be Walking the Earth at being Widowed at the Wedding, only Jack and Ashi never even made it to the nuptials.
    • It's also worth noting that Ashi's hand disappears first, followed by the rest of her body, as the result of aDelayed Ripple Effect. This also happened to Nia in Lagann-hen as her body lost its integrity, but she forced it to regenerate.
    • The last scenes feel a little inspired by Kung Fu Panda, which featured a lone peach blossom tree in the mountaintops that was considered sacred and turned out to be the place Master Oogway held most dear. It was also where he chose to Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence in his old age, mirroring the way Ashi disappeared from the mortal realm and had a meaningful connection to a blossom tree as well (cherry).
